Monday, July 09, 2007

Spider-Man Record Fall To Transformers

Transformers continued to own the box office Sunday raking in an estimated $19.2 million bringing its 6.5 day total to $152.5 million. As CNN noted Transformers is "the biggest first week revenues ever for a non-sequel, surpassing the $151.6 million from Spider-Man." However CNN also noted that the money difference is because of higher ticket prices, not larger crowds as Spider-Man had 26.1 million people vs Transformers 22.5 million. Thanks to that first week, its already entered as 6th place on the total sales for 2007. Currently Spider-Man 3 sits the one spot with total of $334.4M.

Transformers showing for its first weekend was $67.9 million and tops other July 4th movies including Superman Returns and War of the Worlds. The title for overall highest weekend remains with Pirates 2 for highest weekend ever with $135.6M. Transformers sits at 6th place.

In the overseas front, the movie has raked in $93.6 million in 29 overseas markets, representing a whopping 40% of the international business. This would put the worldwide first week gross of the film at $246.1 million placing it in 232nd place for all time worldwide box office grosses.

Suffice it to say Transformers has kicked some butt in the money making department making the studio decision makers very happy. Happy bean counters mean sequels with bigger budgets which means for Transformer screen time. All without many not knowing about them and not having previous sequels to help increase sales. By that I mean that part of the reason for a franchise is the first movie helps to promote the second (via DVDs, TV showings, word of mouth etc) which helps the money made from the second. This in turn means the first two helps the third...and well you get the idea. In theory, you really have to screw up a franchise for a sequel to make less money then its predecessors.

Sadly this streak of records will come to a quick end as Harry Potter 5 is sure to rule the roost when it comes out Wednesday. However, based on the overall high viewer ratings combined with it being well liked across most demographics, this movie will have legs and continue to rake in money for the rest of the summer. While it may not be official, there will be a sequel. Thanks to site readers for the various links and Chad T. for the picture.


  1. I like Photoshop

  2. What the hell is that on the left?

    Glad prime is doing well...

  3. SPIDER MAN 3 SUCKED. i would scream that from a rooftop if i thought enough people were listening.

    i just saw Transformers two nights ago, and it was pretty sweet. what about the dialogue though?! some of it was really awful. check out the worst lines here:

    luckily there was enough CG to distract audiences. also, Shia LaBeouf gave the movie its emotional pulse.

  4. The dialogue is quick and corny and it's kinda silly but hey, when kids and teens are watching it and laughing when the parents are scratching their heads at the dim-wittery, then you know it hit the mark. The script wasn't made for intelligent people. It was made to accommodate your average kids and teens and well, kids are certainly not as smart as us adults who want The Bourne series dialogue. So it's acceptable.

    Hey, go back and watch Transformers the Movie 1986 and tell me if THAT script isn't just as corny. haha In fact, the line of "one shall stand, one shall fall" comes straight out of that movie.

  5. yeah, I always thought that movies are gonna make more money since tickets cost much more now as time past by. They should count more on viewershiop.


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