Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Real Transformer Script Review? has posted what is claimed to be the real Transformers movie script. In the review the writer provides some possibilities on the TF characters and his opinion of the opening Act of the movie. The guy seems excited and convinced of the validity of the script he saw. Don Murphy cryptically weighted in on his message board with the message "Rumors Rumors Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink." Make of that what you will but it seems that Don uses these messages as a "maybe its true" response. Only time will tell.

The highlights of the review:
- Autobots: Optimus Prime, Jazz (some car), Ironhide (pickup truck), Ratchet (Ambulance), and Bumblebee (camaro rather then a bug).
- Decepticons: Megatron (form not indicated, my guess is a tank), Starscream (F-22 Raptor), Devastator (M-1 Abrams Tank), Monecrusher (mine clearing vehicle), Vortex (MH-53 Pav Special Ops Chopper), Skorponok (mechanical scorpion, ug), Brawl (police car, double agent me smell if true), and Soundwave (a Air Force One).
- Story is TFs are after the object that imbues all life to Transformers. Nope not the Matrix. Its being called the Energon Cube. Yeah, I know, in the cartoons energon cubes are the TF equilvant of oil barrels. Actually this bit of info makes this review smell of truth. Its the kind of "fact" that I can see writers getting wrong or the powers-that-be demanding a different name since "Matrix" or "Matrix of Leadership" would be viewed as confusing the audience. Nevermind that kids got it just fine back in the 80s.
- The script opens one million years in the past, with a summary of the TF war and why want the energon cube and how it got to earth.
- It then jumps to 1897 with the discovery of a decepticon in artic ice.
- Then it jumps Qatar in the present just before the Decepticons attack a US base to download information about the 1897 discovery.
- The expected geeky but good guy gets the girl in the end triangle is Sam Witwick, Mikalela Barnes, and currently boyfriend Trent Demarco. Must rescuing of girl why bf acts life an idiot/coward shall insue I am sure. I know this stuff is practically rulebook #1 for action flicks but its still a little bit annoying to see over and over again. Maybe they will suprise us by not having the guy get the girl since in real life he probably wouldn't. Maybe tease it by having him meet a girl named Carly at the end as a wink to the fans that know a little bit to much about Transformers (heh).
- Sam's father is named Ron. I wonder if the nick Sparkplug will rear its head. Be curious to see if they figure out a way to work it in without it seeming silly. Probably best to not try. Anyway Ron, as a gift for his grades, gives Sam the money to buy his first car, which happens to be Bumblebee.
- Maggie Marconi and Glen Whittman work for a think tank called Rand Corporation.
- John Keller recruits Maggic to help with information from the Qatar attack.
- The script explains how TFs select their disguises.
- Also indication of a chase sequence and battles.

Any case read the review, use your judgement on validity. I am inclined to think the does have a script draft, just maybe not the finalized draft. The reason why is that so far much of the leaked information has turned out to be correct. Also when Don gets cryptic on rumors, it seems to be his way not confirming or denying the rumors. When someone does that, more often then not, there is a large element of truth to the story.

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