Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Peter Cullen Audition Confirmed - Rejected!

Don Murphy has posted once again on his boards about Peter Cullen. In it he denies the Peter Cullen audition:
I never confirmed ANYTHING of the kind. Nada.
Someone else posted it.
I made fun of them.

Seems like a reasonable mistake to make considering on he previously said "absolutely true, when I feel you can handle the truth I will tell you." Upon review of the thread as a whole, its jokey tone indicates its was a misreading on my part so for that I apologize. So consider the Peter Cullen audition as a fun but unsubstantiated rumor.

Hopefully Don Murphy will be so kind as inform the fans when (or if) the audition it does occur if for no other reason it will give us something to b%$^# about if Peter later doesn't get the role.

1 comment:

  1. someone should put a bounty on a photo of the 25ft tall bumblebee
