Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Optimus Prime Vehicle Mode - Revealed!

Above, at least until the boomstick comes down, is the pic of Optimus Prime in vehicle mode. At least that is what was reported by AICN. According to this type vehicle is a "regular long nosed black Peterbilt truck." Whether this is the final design or not has not been officially confirmed.

Also, most of the stuff with the TFs will be heavy on the CGI so even if this is the filmed version of the truck, there is nothing stopping them from changing its look later digitially (expensive solution, but throwing it out there).

Thanks B. Pretzel for sending me the pic.

1 comment:

  1. Well it's a truck so yes I can see it.
    Buuuuuut the front of the original optimus was flat more like one of the Scania trucks we see so many of in Britain.
    This one isn't bad but it could have been worse.
    also they got Peter Cullen voicing Optimus >x3
    He was Optimus's original voice actor so we shouldn't worry to much about fuck ups.
