Thursday, August 24, 2006

Megatron Design Revealed

AICN posted, then pulled photos of the robot form of Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons and main villain (sorta, as only in film for about 20 minutes). Thankfully a site reader, Donald C., sent me the pics.

I do believe that if the producers et al got a ton of crap for Starscream and other leaked designs, the sh-- is about to truly hit the fan. You saw a hint of him form being built here, but now you get to see it in all its colored glory.

Now, having read the script, the idea is Megatron retained his alien Cybertron form in part because of his contempt for earthlings and all things Earth related. If you hate them, why trans-scan into a earth form. So the idea is to scream "look!, evil alien robot." On that beat, they absolutely nailed it. Sadly though if you are looking for your childhood Megatron, there is nada (but maybe get that in the voice perhaps?).


  1. Well, I'm sure people who have not ever seen transformers will say, ok this is megatron, but growing up with them, this is not him. Come on now, even before megatron was scanned to be repaired in the very first cartoon he looked exactly the same, as did everyone else, except in vehicle form of course. I guess if this is him then this is him, hate it or love it. I think everyone is gonna have to accept it for what it is, ugly as hell.

  2. After looking at it for a while it looks like doomsday from the superman comics. Or something like that. I don't think that everyone from gee-wun will like this version, I don't like it myself. But it's here and probably won't change.

  3. DUDE! Megatron looks killer! He's like some kind of monster from independence day! This movie is looking more sweet every minute i see it!

  4. Fuck this shit! These major labels think they can screw with everything!
    The designs were the reason we loved the big guys in the first place!
    Why change them?@@
    That's it!
    I'm makin my own Transformer movie.

  5. Right... I can accept that Megs didn't want to take an Earth form, but still... this is stupid... I say we form a WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! and head to LA. Who will follow Warboss Mont'yr?!

  6. I'm excited about the movie, and I understand that the vehicles need to be current and updated, but how is bumblebee suppposed to have enough flat surfaces on him to transform into a car. When he's in robot mode it looks as though there aren't enough of the parts on him. All of the characters look too "organic" to be believeable in robot mode. When I first saw bumblebee or optimist, I thought there is no way he could transform into a vehicle. I don't expect them to look exactly like the cartoon, as I read somewhere else it wouldn't be right to just copy the cartoon (too campy), but Michael Bay has said they wanted to replicate real world and I don't see how that is possible in the current vehicles when they are in robot form. I'll definitely see this movie I just wanted to give my two cents.

  7. this thing looks like a worm, I prefer the cartoon looks, but it seems no creative director would copy the classic one even it is classic

  8. I would love that design if it was for an Anime show like a Gundam show or a restart of Macross or Robotech but that is the silliest design for Megatron I ever seen; I knew it, Transformers is the new Batman & Robin.

  9. I love the Megatron look. Megatron never looked like the G1 OR G2 version in any of his incarnations anyway. This will look badass on the big screen.

  10. in mention of the voices, does anyone else think that movie Megs needs the voice of "beast wars megatron?"

    personally i always preferred that one to G1 Megatron voice.

    ya know, somethin tells me these concept pics were "leaked" to build up all kinds of hype, and he'll look a lot different.

    HONESTLY, he's ok. Change his head and give him that big gun and i'll be satisfied

  11. I never thought that I would say this but I miss The Real Megatron

  12. ... if it were any other sort of badass robot, it'd be cool. But Megatron? Just... no. bad.

  13. when this movie gets compared to "independence day" in a good way YOU KNOW ITS A BAD THING.

    FTW on this whole movie...

  14. While I hate most of the changes that are being made to the movie... I have to admit that this guy looks pretty cool. If Frank Welker voices him, it'll be ok. Now if we could just bring back Soundwave...

  15. if i kill mike bay is there a jury that would convict me ?

  16. ^ No a message I want left on this blog. Currently I don't moderate comments and would prefer not to have to. Feel free to comment on what you do or don't like about the movie but the threats to yourself and of course don't even dream of acting on them. No movie is worth that kind of hatred and anger.

  17. are you shittin me, is this for real, im with that guy above, even if i do get sent to jail, i knew something like this would happen, first optimus and now i find this, this is going to be worse than mediocre man returns....the p...pain, my fan boy boots are itching for vengance, someone must be destroyed

  18. Don't understand why Optimus Prime looks kind of like his old version (still hate the long nose truck and flames!) and the rest of them don't... so they did understand that changing Prime wouldn't go over very well with the fans but then they fuck with MEGATRON and STARSCREAM! Thats like Giving DARTH VADER A yellow helmet and a green cape.

  19. Gimme a break. What Crap. Its a pile of metal shit- whoever is art directing the design for this movie should be shot- cos it doesnt seem like hes ever seen the transformers before. What an asshat!

  20. blue eyes? I guess that still can be megatron in the poster huh? Yup, probably him.

  21. this makes me sad =( having grown up with optimus and the gang.. the famliarity is slowly fading away...

    he looks more like a filthy "accretian" now from RFO

    it's really sad..

  22. i think it looks very hot having grown up to them. u have to realize that making a live action movie of transformers keeping the old design will make it look wierd and funny. when u watch transformers u see it as a cartoon but when u would picture it in real life it needs to look like a robot not a human dressed in armor. (NOT MAKING FUN OF CLASSIC TRANSFORMERS)

  23. this looks like total crap... i hate the purple looking prime with flames... and this is worse.. why the hell fuck with the movie.. what happened to the tank megs rumors that i had accepted? alien jet? this is looking less like transformers and more like another spin-off thats going to be shown to little kids who dont know better on fox(excluding beast wars)

  24. It looks like HR Geiger had sex with a blowfish.

  25. I think this is a mis-leak. I don't see why they'd go through such lengths to distance the transformers from what they used to look like. Last i saw Megatron was a tank which made much more sense. No matter what, we'll all find some level of dissapointment until someone with a little creativity and alot of time at their disposal will make a fan film that'll make expose the movie for the facrce it is (if it turns out to be junk, who knows?)

    Point being there's no point and getting all worked uyp untl trhe movie hits the screens.

  26. Oh c'mon people, give it a chance, and besides, it's supposed to be cybertronian look...before he comes to earth. Maybe they'll change it. LIVE IN THE NOW!!


  27. I agree with the person above. I will admit they look a little too organic for what they are, but you have got to understand that the people behind this project are using ideas from G1. They're not remaking G1. Another point is that even if it is changed, someone will find something else to bitch about. The Directors are working as hard as hell to bring you this film without trouble. I'll say it again, This is not G1 people.

  28. WOW

  29. Oh man... hell, I grew up with the original TV gang... and I gotta say...

    I love the new designs.

    Yeah, g'head and flame me into hell. Don't care. Oldskool needs to stay oldskool; the new school has to look different. Think about it for a bit. Would you really want to see the cartoon Megatron turned into some guy in a robot suit? Because I sure as hell don't; Megatron and Optimus might've looked kick ass in the cartoons the way they were, but if you carbon-copied them into CGI, they'd look as fugly as 50 Cent.

  30. Completely agreed, this is a new interpretation of Transformers, it's set in this day and age, not like the original movie was set in 2005. Just wait until it actually hits the screens, last minute changes and revisions are ALWAYS done in the film making process, that's what the editing process is called.

    Besides, no one has seemed to complain over the different variations of the todays and comics over the years, some sucked yes, and some where pretty fucking cool.

    Just wait and be happy that those of us that cried when Optimus died in the original film have a chance to see our childhood take on a new form.

  31. Actually, I figured it all out. The art concept of Megatron came about one night when they were smokin' doobies late at night while watching Anime specifically the Guyver and maybe the Bubblegum crisis

  32. man your so fuckin right, thts exactly what i sead, magatron lookin like guyver 5!!

  33. Whoa... Megatron really looks evil now... Man he will give the Autobots a good fight.

  34. If they ever make a movie of Dan Simmons' Hyperion, this would make a bitchin' Shrike. However, as a Megatron it's a pretty awful design. Is the point of the exercise to alienate the Transformers fan base? Because it's working. The very people who would line up overnight just to buy the action figures based on the movie and who will throw money at DVDs, tie-ins, and other associated media, are the ones they seem to care the least about. Sure you'll get the 13-year-olds who think the new designs are kewl, but they don't have any money, and they aren't likely to obsess over it the way the G1 gen-X'ers will. If you don't satisfy the large pre-existing audience, the movie will be a flash in the pan and collect no residuals.

  35. man, ur words are sooooo true, just look at this megatron, he dunt even have his signiture cannon on his arm, even if he didnt turn into a gun, ime sure they could have incorperated the cannon into anouther vehicle, they have simply redisghned a character, but to an extent where he is unrecognisable, his feet look like bird claws and his hands dont even look like hands, more like cutlery, to say this least this desighn is bolocks!, i recon the desighners need one slap, and i also recon that they never watched a single episode of transformers, its asif they didnt even tell them they were to desighn megatron its as tho they just sed "desighn an evil looking robot", he looks far to organic and complicated, and anyone who sez outherwise is not a true fan of the transformers series....

  36. doesn't Megatron looks like Bionicle from lego?
    And thats a bad thing. Maybe thay mixt up the movies.

  37. what in the world? did they even look at the original design before making this? tsk tsk.. this is as bad as the fact that bumblebee is going to be a chevrolet camaro..

  38. I never watched much Transformers so I'm not really a fan, but I know what they look like. This new design is just awful...evil alien is right; this doesn't even look like a transformer. And ditching his big-ass cannon? Lame.

  39. this movie takes place before megatron decided to use an earth form and acquired his canon it shows why and how megatron started the war yeah its ugly as shit but this is his alien form but he still has his badass personality in the sequel he and all the other cybertronians will look alot better

  40. Oh for heavens sake! You people whine more than the french! This movie is called TRANSFORMERS, and you can't exactly be a TRANSFORMER without TRANSFORMING. In fact, to keep them in their original G1 incarnations is simply illogical! That's like relying on pre-einsteinian phyisics when trying to solve string theory! Bottom line, it's silly to expect something called TRANSFORMERS to stay the same!

  41. This is a very generic monster, It could be from any movie.
    There is nothing distinguishing about this character, and its design is so elaborate and cluttered that I can barely make out its features.
    The original cartoon & toy design, I have to admit, was quite camp in appearance with his elongated helmet and his spindly legs, but he had a distinctive appearance. He could quite conceivably be a nasty, scheming meglomaniac, as he certainly was in the cartoon... The character design for this movie looks more like a slavering beast with little capacity for intelligent thought, and would perhaps be more suitable in the role of a henchman...

  42. I'd be happy if they gave him a BFG on his arm like the original.

  43. The new look is just that,new; the people involved in this movie are not banking on getting the old fans persay, because you won't really make a whole lot of profit for them. For the most part they're banking on the younger generation, the type who they can still merchandise a toy line to. They figure, for the most part, that the older generation won't see these photos and will just take their kids or equivalent family members to this movie simply because of name familarity. So with that being said all the complaing in the world, especially complaing in forums alone instead of to the producers or company itself will not result in any actual change. So, my advice to all those who don't like the new look is, tell the producers, write the company while you still can because chances are this design is already being approved and once they spend the money on making it they won't change it. Also, one question. This is supposed to be Megatron's Cybertronian form right? So I can only assume that nearly every TF looks like this, right? So then how the hell do these organic and boxy forms merge correctly without looking utterly ridiculous? I think they're deffinetly going to have to put a lot of effort to make these things talk and move and essentially live in a believable way. Also, to those of you who believe that the cartoon designs wouldn't work, that's a load of crap. As long as you got a good animator/artist that can make the character move and emote any design is possible, even the cartoony kind. Finaly, one last thing to all you complaing about this design and similar issues chances are your going to see it anyway and support what you think is wrong and that's pretty sad (but true).

  44. remember, the old classic series also didn't have a lot of detail. New technology and a high budget allow them to go all out on this.

  45. i dont like it at all. it looks way too alien. like a monster without a brain not enough human about him. same with prime. artists should have deffanantly looked to the originals for insperation

  46. kind of reminds me of a bad guy out of the original power rangers

  47. he scares me I mean this give little kids nigh mares

  48. This "Megatron" looks like T-1000 in liquid metal mode being shot with eight tommyguns.

    I heard rumor this movie is to be a trilogy. Either it is or not, Optimus better not be exterminated.

  49. Well, I have just spent the best part of 30 mins reading all these comments and fuken hell, I'm dreading this movie. I'm scared to look at the 'Megatron' pix now. As a MASSIVE fan of 80's Transformers, I had deliberately cut myself off from reading/viewing anything to do with this film so as not to ruin my experience of it at the cinema. I curse myself for 'giving in' and reading up on it today 'cos it sounds so awful that I fear Its gona make the Phantom Menace look like The Empire Strikes Back!!!!

    When I first heard about the movie a while back, I had no illusions that it would be an all time great - I knew deep down that it would be a tame kiddies movie with too many ideas fukd with for a devout fan like myself - but, having said all that, I intended to do what I did with Aliens Vs Predator... i.e. Go into the cinema, quickly getting past the fact that the movie was a piece of shit and then relaxed as I treated it as nothing more than an unfortunate bit of mildly entertaining fun. But from the sound of things, I don't even think I can employ that philosophy to this desecration of what was a big part of my childhood and nostalgic adulthood – like millions of other guys now in their 20s/early 30s. How many won't go and see it for the same reasons as me? Thousands, tens of thousands perhaps? Alternatively, if it was a shit film story-wise but looked amazing with minimal design changes, I'd prob still go see it more than once!

    My dream would have been to set the movie in 1984, filled with lots of obvious, nostalgic and even cringe-worthy 80s imagery and sounds – giving the movie and added aesthetic quality that would have been at worst, interesting viewing. Keeping it in the 80s would have eliminated 90% of any desire or reason to change the appearance of the Transformers themselves.

    Sure, lots of little things would have to change, improve or be solved... like Prime's vanishing trailer or the fact that some bots have the abilty to shrink to any size etc etc

    Indeed, I think many small changes or improvements would have been 100% necessary. Even if it meant Megatron and Shockwave transforming into some kind of large mobile weapons. Soundwave would be more tricky, but alternatively, he could have no earth form but instead transform into some kind of large Cybertronian communications device that would be manned by small bots who transformed into some kind of rectangular information disks that still ejected from him. – all that I could handle easily.

    As for the updated road vehicles..ok change some to present day ones, but even in the here-and-now I still see a lot of the early 80's vehicles around – I traveled from Scotland to California last year and must have witnessed (in one afternoon) dozens and dozens of those old Optimus Prime style trucks (are they called Mack trucks?) I saw fuken shitloads of 30+ year old Volkswagen Beetles, Jeeps and 911 Porches!!!! As for fighter planes, the US and Japan still have hundreds of F-15 strike planes in active service which greatly outnumber much newer aircraft like F-22 Interceptors!!!

    Michael Bay aint the worst Hollywood director I ever saw but why has Speilberg got such a hard-on for him!?!?... I wish Steven loved Transformers as much as he claimed and had directed the thing himself, cos even if he made the same visual changes, you can bet your fuken ass that it would be a better film than anything Bay could churn out. Avoiding obvious directors like Cameron or Scott, I would love to have had a Hong Kong director in the chair for this one - John Woo perhaps? and also get get some of the action choreographers from Hard Boiled, The Killer and Crouching Tiger etc to get working with talented storyboard/concept artists to dream up some mouth-watering, exciting, slick, intelligent action sequences!!!

    I fear we will get a Michael Bay-Bash-Fest, devoid of finesse with shaky, disorientating camera work flashing all over the place at point-blank range and the bots engaging in WWE style fighting thats hard to see anyway 'cos of the aforementioned erratic, overly close-up style of filming we see in many of Bay's fight scenes.

    Fuk! I could type and type till I dehydrate!!! but I realise this post is way too fuken huge already...sorry guys, it was a big deal for me reading all your posts that reveal a sad, sad, disrespectful treatment of a fantastic, image-rich institutuion that is Transformers – so much potential going to should be easy to make this film great. The amazing imagery and basic plot behind Transformers would have taken care of itself and would have made the job of making this movie so easy with nothing more than a good budget and people behind the scenes who understand what Transformers means to millions of big kids like me out there!!!!

  50. My honest opinion, none of the current character designs are impressing me at all. I understand the need to update the transformers looks for the new movie, but this is all TOTAL crap. The film makers are trying too hard to make a blockbuster and aren't giving two rat's asses about the TWO DECADES of fans that grew up loving these characters. ME TO HOLLYWOOD: STOP TRYING TOO HARD. Oh, and fire whatever new-age graphic designer you hired. It's obvious that he knows NOTHING, and cares even less, about Transformers. Not that my opinion matters to Hollywood.

  51. I grew up with the G1 Transformers and i was a kid then as i got older I wished that some one would make a movie for what it is a tale about a bunch of ailen robots that come to earth to destroy man kind. Love the new look fits in well, to me transformers is a scarry tale, you have to remember that most of the fans of transformers are in there late 20's early thirty's who wants to see a bunch of cartoon looking robots runing aroud, but the old look will always be close to my hart. GIVE IT A GO!!!!!!!

  52. Well I'm glad every one complained because their changing the head design seen here,but I really like this one (but not for megatron)and I hope they use it else where

  53. Looks like the Guyver reject

  54. I expected some changes in the look of the characters (updating the mech/vehicle modes) but this is drastic.This reminds of a mechanized version of a cross between the PREADATOR & the TERMINATORS' endo-skeletonwith some ALIEN influences thrown in.When the U.S. made the GODZILLA movie I was disapointed.This movie will suck too,I will wait for it to be released on DVD.A lot of people are so excited about a movie version that they can ignore what made made the TRANSFORMERS so popular with fans.There's a reason why the TRANSFORMERS are still around & out-sold the GO-BOTS.T he look of popular characters should remain as close as possible to original.This would be a great movie if it were something orignal and not hiding behind the TRANSFORMERS title.

  55. As a huge transformers fan who grew up watching the cartoons, i gotta say, i actually like it, its a little confusing to look at, but it looks good considering.

    But am i the only one who thinks it looks kinda like one of the weapons from FFVII ?!

  56. This robot looks frickin' awesome. Only problem is, it ain't Megatron. Hopefully the head redesign will bring him back to canon.

  57. WTF!?!?! that looks nothing like megatron. i can't believe the artist that drew him up wen't this far i am personaly offended that the movie corps. would go this far into blundering the whole transformer movie. Also Optimus is blue in the movie?! WTF he is supose to be red truck not BLUE!

  58. I"m so f'n sick and tired of everyone bitching about how different Optimus and Megatron look for the new movie. I agree with some of the people above who said that if this movie turned into another 80's rehash that is would bomb baddly because the critics would see it as nothing more than just that.As much as I would like to see the old show remade, I would rather see something new and different instead of the old ways and have them F$%^ it all to hell. You guys who whine and bitch about how the 2 look different then their old forms have some serious f'n problems if you can't deal with reality and have to live in the past instead of the here and now. I admit that they are very different in appearance, hell, I thought getting used to the fact that Optimus was a fire engine in the last series, Cybertron was a little uneasy at first but I had no problem accepting and even totally liking what he looked like in the end and his newest form should be no different. I have seen 2 different forms that the 2 look like so that is still up in the air as to what their final forms will be. SO SHUT THE f#$% UP ALREADY AND DEAL WITH IT!!!!!

  59. Megatron STILL looks like dump.

  60. I don't mind the new look Megs.

    It's the comment that he will only be in the movie for a measley 20 minutes!!! That shits me to tears!!!

  61. Ok, i've spent the last few months giving these dirtbags time to re-do all the damage they've done to the heroes of my past and have yet to see ANYTHING that even remotely passes for a Transformer. It looks more like some NeonGenesisEvangelion and Escaflowne bastard-children. Why not just take the originals and put a realistic spin on them? If these guys want to make a movie about Transformers, then they need to use something more that just names and vague visual references to the old guard.

  62. They don't have to look exactly the same, hell yes make them modern. I don't even care that Optimus isn't a cab-over-engine truck, he's been a Peterbuilt type before and still looked kickass. Hell, he's a Dodge Ram in the Alternators line. Happy with the way he looked in that incarnation. These things don't even look like they can transform into ANYTHING. These things that they're passing off as transformers look rougher that bulls butt's sewed up with grape vine. And y'all can quote me on that.

  63. Anyone who thinks the new designs look good are mental. G1 is the way it is supposed to be, noone asked them to redesign the look. This wont be trandformers, it will be shit dressed up to look like trasnformers then glued hap-hazardously to a roll of film.

  64. If they wanted to do a movie of robots (aliens, just for justifying their superior technology), why don't they make a whole new story? Why messing with those heroes we knew and loved when we were kids? All new designs look awsome, but there's just one problem: THEY'RE NOT TRANSFORMERS! When I was a kid, I dreamed about seeing transformers in real life, and I really believed in their "way" of transformation. Now, they seem to separate and replace their "particles" to transform. What a BIG transformation! I know there's too much stuff that's just so old to be transformed on (casettes, "bug" volkswagens), but they have their OWN and BETTER equivalents on present day...

  65. Will you guys please try to keep an open mind? I too, am a child of the 80's and the Transformers were a HUGE part of my life. Okay I'll admit, at first I wasn't feelin' the "long-nose" look of Optimus in vehicle mode. However, after seeing all these leaked photos of the robot could you NOT like them? For all those that are criticizing Megatron's new look let me ask this question. Why make him look similar to his G1 incarnation when he's not changing into a Walther P-38? While I'm getting technical, and this is for the old school fans like myself...did anyone ever think it was odd that Megatron was around the same size in robot form as other Decepticons, yet when he transformed, he was small enough to fit in their hands? Or how about when Soundwave changed into a recorder, he was small enough to fool a human? Finally, when Optimus transformed into robot mode, where the hell did his trailer go? To this day, I still don't know, but it would always show up when it was time to "roll out." Let's not forget that the toys came before the show. My point is that when the Transformers cartoon came into our world, the creators took liberties with the series to make it work...and in a way the same thing is being done with the film. I would think that what should be more of a concern to us die-hard fans in regards to the film is if the story is done well. If the script is garbage, it wouldn't be any better if they looked like their G1 versions. My plea to all the other Transformers fans out there is to give this film a chance. I know I'll be there on opening day. Last but not least, for the Michael Bay bashers, look at it this way. If Spielberg didn't give a damn about this film, we could've wound up with any of these 3 hacks: Renny Harlin (someone please tell me why his license to direct hasn't been revoked yet), Paul W.S. Anderson (who has a very, very bad habit of ruining the big screen potential of well established franchises ie; Resident Evil, and Aliens vs.Predator by incorporating his so-called "vision" in the project, or Hollywood's brightest "talent" Uwe Boll (only makes movies based on videogames, and still finds a way to royally f*ck them up. Need I say more?

  66. LOL Paint him blue and lets just call him Guyver?

  67. You know what, everyone is complaining that it doesn't look like megatron and blah blah blah... if you look at the trailer... his face looks worse than anything. It looks like the tin man who tried to get his face done up to be the terminator.

  68. I am not happy with Megatron looking like some sort of outerspace vampire bat. However, I am sure the movie will be the summer's biggest hit. Just wished all the character's remained the same as far as vehicle's go. But my mind is open and this will be a movie I have been waiting for a long time for. Go TRANSFORMERS!!!!!

  69. I think that they would have had a big hit doing a movie based on the early 2000 comic series by DreamWave comics. If you check it out, you know that the old character designs (G1) would be so awesome as a 2007 movie and they had excellent stories etc.

    The latest Megatron is a mix of the Japanese anime series Escaflowne, Guyver Bio-boosted Armour and even a dumbass baddie from the origianal Power Rangers series (Created as a toy line hit for Bandai to market at US audiences. Check their Japanese website). The movie team is paying a lot of respect to Japan (Takara made the toys origianally that the show spawned from I think so it's justified) but it is unfortunate that they forgot to pay respects to the right television series of that country.

    I think Steve should have directed of course. I'm sure most people will agree on that (How funny is the Team America: World Police song about Michael Bay!! hahahaha) Michael has more talent than most people making movies including myself as I am just a guy but I think they (the studio powers that be or is Steve that power?!! :S) should have got Steve to do directing to earn even more mega $$$!!! and stop the flow of rage from us fanboys which means more and more mega $$$!!! for them due to our increased desire to see it again and again and buy tie-in merchandise etc.

    People talking about the problems facing the dissappearing truck trailers for Optimus etc. and the shrinking Megatron when he transforms into a pistol - I propose the writers could explain that anyway they liked in the '07 movie if they really wanted to. I always just assumed with the G1 series that it was the power of the Cybertronian tech embodied in the transformation cogs that allowed the G1 crew to shrink and compress their bodies or warp their parts away into thin air and call it back when needed.

    Another thing - Soundwave could be faithfully redone in a future form as a portable MiniDisk player. That way he is still relatively modern (although MD was around in the eighties too but still available today through many big time Japanese companies) and can have the transforming tape cassette bots as mini disk tapes instead. Megatron could easily be any pistol. Prime could still be the same truck because it's not like people still don't drive old trucks from the eighties now. Bumblebee could just be a new VW beetle. Jazz should have stayed a Porsche 911. It's GM's product tie in money power though :(

    I will still see it day one 'cause I have to know what they are doing to my show but I guess I thought they couldn't have done it anything but justice with Spielberg. Please don't ruin my show :(

  70. The designs Ive seen for the transformers SUCK the hairy root. I was really looking forward to seeing this film but I might have known the producers would happily trample on my childhood memories. Doesn't 'Bay' realise that this film represents the Halcyon days of early childhood for millions of transformers fans? What the fuck is the megatron thing supposed to be? it looks like a robot designed so 12 year old kiddies and 'ID4' fanbois can cream their pants. This film is NOT going to be transformers in the same way that DOD04 was NOT Dawn of the Dead.

    what a load of suckbutt, I wish I hadnt bothered looking now.

  71. wtf... where's his big ass gun?

  72. Poor Megatron! They are so unfair with him!
    Why does he radically change every new incarnation of himself, while Optimus remains always somehow linked to the original one?

  73. You're all a bunch of whiny bitches. Go watch your G1 cartoon if that's what you want to see.

  74. I think Michael Bay and Stephen Speilberg did a great diservice to the Transformers brand. If you look at other comic movies from Marvel and DC, you see that there is a corelation to the success of the movie and how close it satisfies the base market (i.e. the fan base). Spiderman is into it's third movie. Peter Parker is still recognized as Peter Parker. His spidey suit is very true to it's comic iterations. The Batman franchise had it's ups and downs. With Tim Burton's Batman series, because he kept it dark, they were pretty successful. When Joel Schumaker decided to make it campy and added nipples, they pulled the plug on the franchise for awhile. Only until they rebooted with Batman Begins did they recover the franchise. Superman is also another example. They have kept Superman and Clark Kent true to the basic paradigm defined as his character. The Fantastic 4 is another franchise that is becoming popular because they kept the main characters consistant.

    Comic films don't do well when you neglect the fan base. Batman and Robin, the Hulk and Godzilla are three good examples.

    Comic films they do cater to the fans such as Spiderman, Batman Begins, Fantastic Four, and the X-Men are very very profitable.

    Even with all the action, Michael Bay killed the Transformers franchise with his ego.

  75. Micheal Bay





    The designs are cool they are the REAL form of the transformers in REALITY, not in the ANIMATION anymore. They made it based on logic, and they has done a great job to making all the details that you never seen in the animation. and with these designs it'll have bigger possibility that the transformers will be continued into more sequel, like Beast Machine.

    maybe.. u all who posted in here are.. still 9years old child... this is LIVE ACTION movie not an ANIMATION. THIS IS FOR ADULT NOT FOR A "CHILD" LIKE YOU ALL!


  77. You shitting me? changing megatron is like changing darth vader in 20 years time

  78. I'm pretty sure that megatron is the tank that they show in the trailer. Also with Agent Smith(Hugo Weaving) doing the voice of Megatron, that brings this flick up another notch.


  80. This character design had better change radically(back to the G1 Megatron I remember) before the movie comes out in July.

    If it doesn't, I will be very, very pissed. I bought the 20th Anniversary edition of the movie from 1986 almost as soon as it came out and those character designs are what I remember.

    From all I've seen thus far, I am NOT going to see this movie when it first comes out. I'll wait and ask a few people what the characters look like and if they haven't changed the ones they DID change back to their original forms, then I'll wait and buy this on DVD when it's in a bargain bin to show my disdain.

  81. Modernize the characters... I'm all about it, but completely change them.. that's just wrong. I grew up on this show! It's like remaking the Thundercats but making them dogs.... ?

  82. To everyone who bitched and bellyached on this board, I grew up on this show as well. Ate, slept and drank nothing but Transformers. However, I am going to the movie with my family and have a great time!!! I sure as hell hope that you whiners stay home that day.

  83. What the Fuck is this shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh god i am now Boycoting this movie Fuck micheal Bay and Fuck Steven Spielberg! You assholes are Ruining my Childhood! Can anyone else say American Godzilla part 2 but this time with giant Robots!!! Seriously I say we bust into theatres and replace teh Film reels with the 1985 Transformers Animated movie that has to be a 5 star film compared to this shit!

  84. lets hope this version of megatron atleast has a similar voice to the cartoon version
    starscream better sound the same and where the fuk is soundwave?

  85. Uh, dudes. The original Megatron was the second lamest Transformer. He folded up into a little tiny gun - how stupid was that?

    The most lame was Soundwave. A Walkman? That's really dumb.

    Keep in mind that the above two characters were designed after TOYS! Bay had no choice but to change them. They were stupid, they couldn't move in disguise and would have been tiny. Get over it.

    You people do realize that it's a movie about Alien robots that transform into car and shit right? I am really looking forward to it, but come on, get a life.

    My vote would have been for Megatron to be a M-1 Tank. That's the closest thing to a gun that can actually move on its own. I can live with him remaining an alien. That explains their existance more.

  86. It is rather humorous listening to the whining about cosmetic issues. Unless you were the one putting up the 200m to make the movie stfu, the movie is not made to appeal to a bunch of aging whiners hanging on to their vision of a 30 year old design. I guess you all didnt go see Scooby-Doo, or Incredible Hulk, Superman, Spider Man or Batman. So they changed Megatron, shit, Ive been living my life since the primitive animated show was on TV, do I care they made some changes to jump start a dying, if not dead entity? Do they care that some of you are so upset you wont go see it, hell no, they care that the 11-18 year olds that couldnt tell you what a Transformer is will think its cool and tell all their friends. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you are not the target audience, our kids are! My kids are 11 and 13, they could havecared less about
    Transformers... until they started watching the previews. Their lives are XBOX and PS3,64 bit animation, 2GB DDR3 Rams with 512MB Vid cards. They wont watch 30 year old cartoon animation, or play Missile Command on Atari, its interesting to hear you still play your Atari and you Commodore 64 cause you dont like something to change but you are not, I repeat not the target audience!!! Get over yourselves. Its called freedom of speech yes, your opinions are yours and you are entitled to them, just as you have freedom of choice, go see the movie, dont go see it, but leave others to their choice too.

  87. so.. the movie was out now.

    what do you think? still saying this movie "suck"? ha?

    just imagine if those old cartoon megatron are still in his form in this movie? i think that;s very ridicolous!

    I;m sure you all transformer;s fan will kneel down before those spielberg and bay and say.... sorry.

    this is the best movie of the year and the best movie ever.

  88. To all those who say he, and the others, should all look like their cartoon counterparts, do you also think Prince Adam should wear a sleeveless, pink, v-neck top in the new Masters of the Universe movie?

    I don't.

    What you see on television rarely translates well to the big screen, and very much more-so when you're talking small-screen cartoon to big-screen live action. Heck, they even recreated the Enterprise in Star Trek 1 because the version from the original series wouldn't have looked good on the big screen.

  89. That last poster is right, It would look pretty shitty. but they re-did megatrons head and it does look better. more like the Unicron triliogy to me. But what matters is that Megatron is evil and the movie stayed true to that and same with optimus prime.

    All in all the movie turned out good.

  90. The cartoon was cool , the movie is also cool ........ who gives a shit if the original models have been tweaked.
    The movie stirs up memories of a childhood experience that was great but now with a modern twist , people complaining about the change need to get a life.

  91. The movie sucked and everyone knows it

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  93. i haven't seen this design until now and still prefer the one they actually used in the film but i still like this one

  94. Seirasly this is the worst thing I've ever seen in the transformers movie franchise.
