Monday, September 11, 2006

Ironhide and Ratchet Pics; Bumblebee Face Closeup has once again scored some more pics of the Transformers. One of the back side of Ironhide and one very nice pic of Ratchet. I am envious of the Autobot engraving on the back of the truck and that search and rescue logo on Ratchet is a nice touch. Also check out the closeup of Bumblebee's furby face with the outcroppings on his skull that are analogous to his horns from the cartoon days. Thanks to the TransformersLive blog reader for the vehicle tip in the comments and Joey Cagle for the Bumbleebee link.

Update: Additional pics of same things, only really big and great quality is here.


  1. ok, why is bumblebee the only 'bot we see thats been built into a model/animatronic? is it cuz he's gonna be interacting with the humans a lot more than the other bots?

    cuz that would make sense.. like in jurassic park, any scene where someone was intimate with(read:close to)a dinosaur, that dino was animatronic

    so i think due to bumblebees nature, he'll be chillin a lot closer to the humans (especially spike)...agreed?

  2. I think in the past continuations he's been in, he's always had more of a connection to the humans than the other Transformers, especially in the comics.

    Bumblebee was one of my favorite Transformers, just like Bug Bite was one of my favorite Go-Bots. I like VW Beetles for some reason.

    It's a shame that Bumblebee won't be a Beetle, but that's VW's loss.

  3. Yeah, it's too bad, 'cause Michal Smith had a new Beetle/Bumble Bee already CGed and ready to go. Dreamworks coulda just bought the rights to the design and they'd have that much CG outta the way. But VW decided to be wanks.

    Oh well, I can live with the Furby/Camaro as long as the spirit of the character is still there. Which is just that. He did have the closest relationship with humans (ie Spike). So I'm not too put out.

  4. Though initially skeptical about these live action designs, I have to admit the faces are very intriguing. They are plausible looking robots -- the faces from the original cartoon and toys, while appealing and iconic are too anthropomorphic -- and maybe not great for live action. The real test will be watching them animate... The subtley will probably look frigging amazing. My only complaint with this stuff is that it looks like they break up the metal panels from the vehicles too much -- so much so that it's hard to recognize traces of the original vehicles.

  5. i dunno, i see plenty of the original vehicle, especially on his chest. the hood and grill are RIGHT there... it looks smaller cuz the sides of the hood and the front of the grill almost pop up and over the rest of it... elsewhere you see tire-wells, tires(duh) as his ankles and on his shoulders...

    ...honestly im not worried bout how they transform at all. im sure they are gonna take "liberties" or sumthin, saying theres amorphous metal on their bodies or sumthin like that, cuz a lot of parts seem to be missing on this car.. but the point is they TRANSFORM, and so far they look cool in the end result. as long as a decent toy is made im all for it, heh
