Monday, September 25, 2006

Jazz Robot Designs

The news drought, for now, has ended. has posted a pic of a potential design for the robot mode of Jazz. White is apparently his favorite color. Actually I am liking the design, its not bad at all. Now if only tfw2005 would stop with the enormous watermarks that mess up the actual picture visuals. The images are not theirs anyway (technically they are Dreamworks) so to mark them up to ruin is overkill. Use a watermark, just stick it somewhere it doesn't cover a chunk of the pic visuals.


  1. Cool, bout time you all got some new pics, jazz is cool, hope they don't get too attached to him, re: script leak.

  2. You can use a watermark, but only when you have ACTUAL COPYRIGHT OF THE IMAGE! I think TFW2005.COM should remove it.

  3. yeah, I saw it on some other site, but I love the way you presented it and love reading your opinion. I agree with many ppl out there who try to claim what's not theirs.


    julio m

  5. Jazz is definitely one of the best looking Transformers in the movie so far.

    The face on Jazz makes it more obvious that the faces won't be humanoid, though, which may upset many G1-ers...I understand why the faces aren't humanoid though.

  6. anyone know what his vechicle mode will be? I'm a G1-er and want to see him as a 911 gt3
