Monday, September 18, 2006

Someone's Photoshop Fun with Seekers

No news for last couple days, so figured post a link of someone having some fun with the F16's, TFs and Photoshop. Click here for a few other pics.


  1. Hey. What happened to the rest of your blog?

  2. yeah, that's an F-15 Eagle.
    Here's a link to an F-16

  3. at least it's closer than michael bay,s STARSCREAM

  4. sad when this looks better than the movie vehicles

  5. better than the movie vehicles? tell me jimbo, have you actually seen what the starscream vehicle mode looks like? have you SEEN him in action, tearing through the skies at mach 3 on the big screen? have you SEEN him actually transform from the F22 raptor into a towering robot?

    cuz if you have i would like you to share that info w/ us

    yes we love G1, but G1 happened, generation ONE is done, this is a new generation, following about 12 others. all you jerks not giving this movie a chance need to get that thru ur heads

  6. well said!!!!

  7. This dude is right!! I grew up on G1 myself and still feel it is way better than any other spin off. However it has been twenty long years since then and things change!! At least there are still elements from that series in the movie. My biggest fear was Optimus Prime but despite the flames the robot mode is awesome. Remember hollywood also likes to try and force non TF fans into seeing the movie too just to line their pockets so the end result will always be diluted for the ignorant. In the end we will all find something disappointing about it but at least give them credit for trying!!

    Agent Four Infinite
