Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Make Prime Speak - Voting Begins

Phase 2 of the Make Prime Speak contest has begun. The voting phase ends November 9th. When voting, please vote for those that created original Optimus Prime statements rather then those that just repeated phrases from the cartoons and the animated movie. Now I wish I had tried to submit something due to the overall lack of originality. So click here to vote and please reward those that tried to be creative.

Also just discovered that to vote in phase 2, you had to have participated in phase 1. Since I didn't submit a line, I am not able to vote.


  1. Not only the lack of originality, but some quotes weren't even from OP in the cartoon. I saw some Megatron quotes and even a Rumble quote. Sheesh! It actually surprises me that the officials allowed it. Either they were hard-up for submissions or they don't know the cartoon worth shit.

  2. ^ That and I think I saw some stuff from other shows x_X

    That's total crap "Only if you participated in pt1, you can participate in pt2"...
    "Derher...I'm going to go vote for someone that said the exact same thing I did" <- being said by someone that participated. -_-

  3. dude, i'm mad they didn't accept MINE, its was 10x more original than most of the crap up right now

    "Why don't you stick THAT in your tailpipe and smoke it?"


    but i guess if i have to vote for one, its the "when i'm through with you megatron, there won't be enough left of you to transform into a handgun!" thats pretty slick, heh


  4. I'll have to agree with the above. The best line outta all that crap was the "when i'm through with you megatron, there won't be enough left of you to transform into a handgun!" that's very slick, original and it atleast it had something all transformers fans would recognize. My next fave would have to be "don't test me!" gotta love the short and sweet stuff. I gotta go vote for the handgund one again, that barrel roll shit is pissin' me off.

  5. Hey, I noticed someone from Wendell, NC has a quote there. I live near Wendell. Can't say I care for that quote, though. "There is more than meets the eye when dealing with us."

  6. "We fight together, we die together...Autobots for life"

    Does anyone else see Optimus Prime throwing up a gang sign after saying this?

  7. ^It'd look like a C, for Cybertron, or like a 2 and C mixed into one for "Moon Base 2, represent"

    I noticed that most of the "Quotes" are total crap, so I decided to pick one of the more ridiculous ones, in hopes that it'll be one of the ones they are stuck with choosing, "These Pretzels are making me thirsty" of Seinfeld fame seemed to fit perfectly.

    As for the "Do a Barrel Roll" now thats just inane, for one thing all of the Autobots are Cars, last I checked, Cars aren't the barrel roll doing type, you know as it will make them blow up and all. Thus its utter crap.

  8. P.S. To stregthen my argument that these are not cybertronian alt modes is on the back of the package, above the picture of the alt mode it reads, "Entry Mode". It's what the transformers look like when traveling through space.
