Friday, October 13, 2006

My Apologies

I just pulled a political post that I accidentally posted on this blog. I apologize for the error as it simple doesn't belong here. I strive to keep this blog mostly on topic and in this case has a brain fart and posted to wrong location.

This blog is about the Transformers movie and things TF and that is a joy (or source of distress) that surpasses political boundaries. I will strive to not repeat that mistake, but if I do, please email me and let me know and I will yank it. Once again my apologies and once some news of note breaks, will return to Transformer stuff we all know and love.


  1. no biggie! blog on my man.

  2. Mistakes happen. Could have been could have encouraged everyone to vote Ultra Magnus for President. :-) Haha...but that would at least be Transformers related.

    It did seem out of place, and I had a weird feeling you meant to post it somewhere else.

    This is a great break from politics. I hear so much of it at school and in the media. Good to focus on something else that we all agree on as Transformers fans.
