Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stan Bush on Transformers Soundtrack?

Seibertron.com has posted a message received from Stan Bush regarding the possibility of working on the Transformers movie soundtrack. For those that don't know, Stan Bush wrote several of the songs used in the animated Transformers: The Movie including "The Touch" (You have the touch/You have the power...). The note is:

Hi Ryan,

I wanted to let the legions of Transfans know that my Producer and I are in the studio mixing a new track for a certain upcoming live-action movie directed by Michael Bay ... I think you know the one!

It's a BIG song, with 70+ tracks at this point!

We hope to submit this track in the next couple weeks.

Also, you can give your readers the link to my new website/MySpace page: www.stanbush.com.

All The Best,
Stan Bush

This should be interesting development if his track is used. Despite a lot of online criticism, the producers have made a concerted effort to tip their hat to the original transformers in various ways and this might be one of them. Unconfirmed reports have been that much of the movie will be traditional orchestra based as all of Bay's films have been in the past but with the "voice" of Bumblebee being based off of various songs, it does open up the possibilities. The 70+ tracks bit confuses me though unless its just a bunch getting put together until the whittle down process. Maybe two soundtracks will get released, one with the orchestra and one for the various pop songs used.



  1. when he says 70+ tracks, he's not talkin about individual songs. He's talking about how many layered parts are in his ONE song

    and i quote "It's a BIG song, with 70+ tracks at this point!"

    so that means guitar, drums, synth, vocals, hurdy gurdy, accordion, gospel choir, kazoo, and any of 62+ other sounds this guy can muster up for a song

    I'd rather that Stan Bush stay off the movie playback, we're not kids anymore, I don't think a "touch" like song would fit in the mood of this movie. He'd be great for the in-store soundtrack though.


  2. When he says "70+ tracks" he's talking about individual audio tracks, ie: Rhythm guitar would be one track, lead guitar would be a second track, bass guitar would be a third track, etc. In the studio each instrument is recording as a seperate track and then everything is mixed down to just a normal stereo track. So what he's saying is that the song has a LOT of layers and will have a very big (probably epic) sound to it. Make sense?

  3. pretty much what i just said, but w/ a lil more detail

