Thursday, April 30, 2009

Mudflap Video Review

Peaugh has posted his video review of Deluxe Mudflap from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toy line. He verifies that the Twins do not have a combined mode. Transformation wise, this toy is more complicated then would think, has a lot of kibble, and of course that ugly head design.


  1. Israeli Sniper4/30/2009 4:31 AM

    the fuglies do not need to be combined. they already look stupid as it is...

  2. LMAO...what da hell is the urrpa durrpa mode???lol urrpa urrpa durrpa durrpa

  3. If the twins are this lame now without the Very high pitched Mudflap (From the new trailer) then i hope they die. I cant see why bay likes two idiotic transformers. It just seems that because he cant have Bumbleebee leaking oil on someone again he has replaced that with these two who he describes as idiotic transformers who become hero`s at the end.

  4. havin a little too much fun with that missile holder much?
