Friday, May 22, 2009

Alternate Trailer With Terminator Salvation, Museum 2 (Updated)

Based on a report from Trent, it looks like Michael Bay decided to go ahead with releasing alternate cuts of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen trailer with Terminator Salvation (which is getting savaged by reviews so no threat to goal of TF2 claiming box office champ).
For some reason I have not seen this trailer talked about anywhere. I even posted it in the IMDB forums and everyone that has replied said it didn't show at their theatre. The trailer contains: a longer cut of BB in the garage (shorter than showest though), sideswipe doing his thing, a new shot of Arcee, both of the twins talking (something about not being able to read), extended shot in the school library, and more that I can't remember. Just a heads up for you to be looking around for it!

- Trent
Now keep in mind that theatres don't have to bother using any trailers they get so just because an alternate cut exists doesn't mean it will being showing with Terminator 4. Hopefully any alternate cuts that get produced will show up online so Transfans worldwide can enjoy them.

Update: NightShade87 also verifies an alternate cut in the comments, only he saw it with Night at the Museum 2.
At my local theater, I had the opportunity to prescreeen a copy of Night at the Museum 2 and the new cut trailer was on there. Some of the footage was old, but more than half was new. Here's what I remember seeing that was of note:

-Bumblebee crying (Showest footage)
-Twins actually speaking (Sam shows them a tattoo on his arm and they say they can't read. If you listen VERY closely, one of them sounds like Spongebob. XD )
-Galloway and Epps having a conversation that goes like this
"It looks like a normal truck"
*Optimus transforms* (this is a better, fuller version than the T.V. spot)
Epps: "Freaky, right?"
-Better images of Arcee, but I didn't see her fully combined.

Don't remember if there was anything else noteworthy, but I'll make a second look just in case. Please remember that trailers are only selective to certain theaters and it may or may not be on the Night At the Musuem 2 that you watch.
Speaking of Terminator, here is a mix-up of T4 and TF2 trailers called "Transforminator" that Yoboy found for your entertainment.


  1. First woohoo!!!! finally!!!!

  2. I have heard nothing either, besides what you guys reported when the last trailer coming out. What i can say is this, if this is true: COOL! Cause i'll be seeing T4 in theaters. Hopeflly my theater will show it. Its an IMAX certified theater so hopefully that means they have a little bit more class... lmao probably not.

  3. LordToastButter5/22/2009 8:20 AM

    Just a comment about trailers. theatres are required to attach pre-selected trailers to various movies. Not all of the trailers are pre-selected but I'd say atleast 50% are and the rest must be from x or y production company.

  4. you never know if you'll see the trailer or not. they said a transformers trailer would be playing before Wolverine and I never saw one.

  5. Yeah I went and saw Terminator yesterday and didn't see this trailer... I would suggest you not waste money going to it see it either b/c it sucks ass...

  6. the word is Terminator fails :(

  7. You noticed how nobody makes "The Fallen have fallen and can't get up" jokes any more...?

  8. Hey Hotwilly, I know it's off topic but could you give any insight into why you fely Terminator sucked? Just curious.

  9. Transformers shall prevail where Terminator failed!


    the Transforminators

    i think this is what they were talking about.

  11. Whoa my email made it on the site haha. I was so excited I couldn't exactly remember what was going on. I remembered a little more last night though.

    You see sam running through the woods being chased by Meg and all the sudden Optimus hits him like a linebacker crushing a QB sweet stuff!

    The end of it is Optimus transforming and the comment of "looks like a truck doesn't it"

    Arcee is flipping around (slow motion).

    Thank you tanmanistheman90 for jogging my memory!



  13. What do you mean there's no movie that might keep ROTF from becoming the best summer movie. Transfans still have Harry Potter to worry about. Remember the box office battle between the last HP movie and Transformers? That was close!

  14. ^^^^
    But because of the hatred for HP6 due to the 8 month delay it is more likely that Transformers will be supreme.

  15. man someone better get this on youtube.

    I just saw T4 last night and i saw the normal transformers trailer. now i'm pissed. really want to see this one.

  16. HP outdone TFTM rite in 2007? I cant recall.. They are cowards.. But in 07, ppl do not know about TFTM, but everyone knows about HP. This year, that is not the case. Moreover, order of the phoenix sucked, more viewers anticipate ROTF compared to HP IMO.

  17. Terminator 4 did not fail. It is much better than 3 but of course not as classic as T1 or T2. They didn't have crappy CGI all over the place, the acting was far better, and there was a decent story.

    If your going to say T4 fails then you should elaborate to some degree or you lose credibility.

    Anyway, should be going to see T4 today again with some different people so I hope to see the trailer this time but doesn't sound like there's much chance.

  18. I don't see that there was much contest between T4 and TF2. It's not like people who are interested in the sci fi genre are going to see one and not the other - plus they're spaced far enough apart so just about anyone can scrape together 10 bucks in ticket money between releases.

    The last time there was any real conflict at the box office was Harry Potter vs. LOTR all those years ago - now THAT was a nerd slapfight of the highest degree.

  19. Also people seem to be forgetting about "Night at the Museum 2". I'd be willing to bet that's the summer movie to beat - it's got much of the same target market as ROTF, and just like TF2, is a sequel to a highly successful original.

  20. I found it


  21. @Anon 1:42 PM :

    God, you're a stupid troll.

  22. NightShade875/22/2009 2:12 PM

    Hey guys, you might want to go see a different movie instead.

    At my local theater, I had the opportunity to prescreeen a copy of Night at the Museum 2 and the new cut trailer was on there. Some of the footage was old, but more than half was new. Here's what I remember seeing that was of note:

    -Bumblebee crying (Showest footage)
    -Twins actually speaking (Sam shows them a tattoo on his arm and they say they can't read. If you listen VERY closely, one of them sounds like Spongebob. XD )
    -Galloway and Epps having a conversation that goes like this
    "It looks like a normal truck"
    *Optimus transforms* (this is a better, fuller version than the T.V. spot)
    Epps: "Freaky, right?"
    -Better images of Arcee, but I didn't see her fully combined.

    Don't remember if there was anything else noteworthy, but I'll make a second look just in case. Please remember that trailers are only selective to certain theaters and it may or may not be on the Night At the Musuem 2 that you watch.

  23. Saw T4 and no new trailer just the same one.

    Btw T4 sucked outloud. Zero character development and nothing happens plot wise. The action was cool but the movie was so terribly written and edited. I think T3 was way better and that movie wasn't that good.

  24. New RotF poster, for IMAX. Don't know if it's been here.

  25. And again, don't know if it's been here...
    Scrapper design:

  26. quit posting links that arent the trailer, you jerk!

  27. Yup I saw the Trailer..very cool..It was @ the Rave Motion theater in Las Vegas.It had bothe the twins,more Jet Fire,and more of the underwater scene with the Constructicons,and also more of the forest scene.just sum info

  28. //snortpocket said...
    //quit posting links that arent the trailer, you jerk!

    You've got a problem with that?

  29. @ghola_tleilaxu:

    Never mind him, because your posts were new to me and probably a lot of other people. And if there's one jerk here then it's him.

    + I wish they put that freakin' trailer online already!!

  30. maybe already posted but HOLY FUCKING SHIT AWESOME ART at (scrapper)

  31. "maybe already posted but bla bla bla"

    1) yeah, it was... but if it wasn't...

  32. Transforminators owns

  33. owns what??...what does that phrase even means??

  34. i'll go a step further, Transforminators pwns.

  35. -"owns what??...what does that phrase even means??"-

    get with the times GRANDPA

    pwnt n00b

  36. wait are you one of those guys when someone says "that sucks" that are all "does it? does it really suck? does it actually physically create a vacuum? Well it doesn't suck then does it?!"

    because you would be very annoying and no one would hang out with you

  37. Wait, one of the Twins sounds like Spongebob? Isn't the voice for Spongebob in this movie?

  38. i LOLed out loud so hard at Transforminators!

    That would be one kick ass movie.

  39. Greetings everyone.

    I think Harry Potter still poses a threat for ROTF to claim the throne of box office. HP 6 has a darker story & one of the prominent character dies (dumbledore). So i guess that those pott head fans might flock to theatres this time. HP 5 sucked, that is so true..

    For the record, Transformers (2007) was the highest grossing movie till now in Malaysia, beating that stupid spiderman 3. This time it's even harder, because we have tough competitors like Harry Pott Head & GI Joe. Did anyone know that Ice Age 3 releases on the first week of July.

    The reason why Peter Jackson's King Kong loss to Narnia: Narnia had more younger audiences (Kids actually). So I guess we have to wait and see who is the King of Summer Movies.

    By the way my name is Yuven. I'm the guy who always end my comments with 'Greetings from Malaysia'. Where's that guy from china? (Chineze Rules, his profile name i guess) His been missing in action lately.

    'Greetings from Malaysia' (*_*)

  40. i just watched night at the museum 2 and i saw the new trailer, it was the best one so far!!!

  41. Grandfather fits me well pocketsnort hince the name...Now when do ya think someone is gonna post this supposed alternate trailer??

  42. I agree with Yuven. HP 6 looks very good, and equally intimidating to ROTF. I'm not sure if Ice Age will do good enough to hurt ROTF, since the last movie was considered sub par. But kid oriented flicks usually hurt profits for adult or adult-style movies.
