Sunday, May 31, 2009

Botcon: Bay Presents ROTF Footage

Yesterday, during the Botcon Awards (no idea who won what), Michael Bay himself introduced clips from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Cool move on his part since he didn't have to make the trip. Sadly no video but below is the description from Spoiler warning. Thanks to G0M3Z for the heads-up.
With our anticipation at its highest level, the attendees of Botcon roared into cheer as the first clip of the movie started. The footage started with John Turturro and Sam's roomate in the middle of a construction zone looking on to a group of construction vehicles surround them. The constructicons were revealed when Mixmasters Decepticon symbol is shown and Scavenger begins to transform. At the same time the other constructicons move closer to form Devastator!!!

Scavenger literally forces all the other constructicons into the gestalt ala Scorpion in Mortal Kombat [I think he means that "Come Here!" with chain grab move - ed]. Tuturro then runs with Sam's roomate when the scene cuts to Sam and Mikaela running from Rampage.

Rampage begins chasing Sam's father when Sam jumps in front of him to draw his attention. Sam then says "Wait, it's not them you want. It's this, the MATRIX!" He then holds up an item and continues to coax Rampage when Bumblebee arrives. The battle begins.

Rampage and Bumblebee fight ferociously with Bumblebee getting the better of Rampage when Ravage enters the fray. Using his hip cannons he blasts Bee and jumps on his back. Bumblebee then forces Rampage to the ground when Rampage lunges for Sam and takes Ravage and tears him apart piece by piece.

Bumblebee then rips Rampage's arm off and decapitates him.


  1. jesus bumblebees sooo bad aassss ...
    cant wait for that footage bet ya it will come in the awards this evening

  2. so wait, am I on the wrong page here... how can rampage be killed by bumblebee if he is supposed to be forming/is currently part devestator?

    On another note wwwoooohhhhaaaa! sounds like I'll be walking away from this one on a total action high!

  3. cool bb may be getting violent in this one.which is all good

  4. bumblebee is a fucking bad ass,
    didnt know he had it in him

  5. wait... Rampage is not a part of devastator! WTF

  6. Aw that's a shame, I was hoping Ravage would continue on into Transformers 3.

  7. didn't know BB was so dangerous :)
    so when rampage dies how can devastator combine?
    and where the heck is Soundwave? he should protect his minion Ravage, if i were Soundwave I wouldn't let this happen, in the first film he lost Frenzy and now Ravage

  8. I do not want to see Devastator forming until I'm in the theater thank you.

  9. oh what film it is supposed to be this " The Attack of Zombie Constructicons " now we have two
    demolisher ( and/or scavenger ) and rampage, cool.

  10. Yeah, how can BB be fighting Rampage if devestator is formed? Also remember that shot of scrapper standing behind that building that Sam and Megan jump from? How can he be there if he is supposed to be a part of devestator too? I'm guessing that that is not rampage BB is fighting but that big bot from the novelization who had Sam's parents in his chest. Maybe the guy who wrote it just got confused bcuz they look alike? It's definetly that red bot from the trailer with the treads tho.

    Off topic I just came back from Europe so I haven't been to this site in like 2 weeks, so I have to know. What happened 2 the boards here? Each post use to get like hundreds of comments now they are getting like less than 20! What happened?

  11. I hope they have fake blood, lol!:D

    My prediction -

    TF2 - Breaks all current box office records. Including opening day/week/etc... plus all time.

    TF3 - Breaks all of the TF2 records!

    and BTW - 'Bay, i hope you stick around for #3. Your the only one who can do what needs to be done for Transformers. And please, bring in Unicron!!!!

  12. "Anonymous said...

    so wait, am I on the wrong page here... how can rampage be killed by bumblebee if he is supposed to be forming/is currently part devestator?"

    The scenes are out of order.....You can see the tentacle thingies pulling Mixmaster into place in the one tv spot/trailer that's online.

    I just hope it's not a quick kill by BB. I hope there is SOME decent fighting before Rampage and Ravage get offed.

  13. FAAAHHH!!!!! Spoilers will be the death of me!! I try to NOT read them, but in the end…I can’t resist. :) I’m almost glad that it was NOT a video clip. I’m going to see if I can deprive myself of actual “RotF” footage until the film comes out.

    I agree. Bumblebee sounds SO bad@$$.

    Does this sequence take place around the scene when Sam shouts “Bumblebee!!”, and Bumblebee transforms in front of camera and shoots his weapon?

    So, can someone resolve this issue for me? Rampage is the red Constructicon with the loose treads that he whips around, right? Why is his toy yellow? Are they different characters or something?

    WARNING: Constructicon head pieces fall off if excessive force is applied. Keep out of reach of Autobots. ;)


  15. i just dont get why the decepticons are so easy to kill.

  16. Two rampages: One BB kills is red rampage, the one that forms devastator is yellow.

  17. Ok... Matrix? What Matrix? THE Matrix (of Leadership)?

  18. I'm a bit upset by Ravage getting killed but HOLY FUCK, Bumblebee sounds much more badass than Prime in the first movie!

  19. Finally Bumblebee kicks some ass!!!!

  20. well i said today was my last day coming to this site until i see the movie in theaters..becuz i knew in the month of June the spoilers was gonna be crazy...they probably will have the whole movie up soon lol...but blogowner i have enjoyed your site ...thanks for all the info that you and others have provided for us...well goodbye guys you all be safe and have fun on June 24th becuz i know i will....u guys have been out

  21. I think there are two Rampage's that look the same, one is red and the other is yellow

  22. WOW, I believe that Rampage's destruction will come after devastator has already been formed.

  23. Does not say he kills rampage

  24. I saw yet ANOTHER tv spot on MTV today, that included a few new scenes that were in ShoWest and such but not the other spots.

    There were probably 3 or 4 new 4 seconds clips:

    It starts off with the aircraft carrier being destroyed and then Sam and Mikaela watching a newsman report it on tv. The other new scene/dialogue is Lennox talking to someone, presumably a high government official, saying that there was no negotiating with the Decepticons and giving the boy away was no an option. There was a scene of Optimus slapping Megatron across the face that was in ShoWest. And finally, a new scene of Optimus mercilessly shooting his cannon at the ground on something; it didn't show what.


  25. The reasons why you have an autobot for a friend is listed in that description:

    "Bumblebee then rips Rampage's arm off and decapitates him."

  26. @Anon 7:50 AM :

    Frenzy wasn't Soundwave's minion, he was Barricade's.

    I predict that Soundwave will have to take revenge for his fallen minion in Transformers 3! :D And GO BUMBLEBEE!

    Oh and does anyone know what the footage of tonight will contain?

  27. @jacktown...cya tommorow :DD this site is heroine youll never be free

  28. Wow can't wait to see it! c:

  29. @ anon, i think that the footage will be... either pritty obvious the Egypt scene.

    or the college scene were Barricade arrives.

    mabye Alice

    but im sure its part of the Egypt scene

    oh ya n Jacktown anon is rite we'll see u tomorrow :-)

  30. There are two tread-bots in the movie. There's the red one BB fights, then there's Rampage, who is yellow.

    At first, I had thought that "Red Rampage" was Overload and that he formed Devastator's face, since he was red but Mixmaster was all silver. After looking at the new TV spot and the Mixmaster and 7-bot Devastator toys and seeing spoilers from the novel, comic, and children's book, I'm no longer quite convinced that this is the case. In the "Forms" TV spot, Mixmaster is revealed to have red internal components. His Voyager-class toy (the triple-changer one) also has red internal components with white stripes that look like those on Devastator's face. Furthermore, the novel mentions a 'Con that fights Bumblebee in Egypt, which sounds suspiciously like the fight scene between BB and Red-Tread. Finally, every visual depiction of Overload seen so far shows a biped with either four or two arms and a tail-like protrusion arching up over his back, quite unlike the snake-like tread-bot seen fighting Bumblebee. So, my original theory is most likely false, though it seemed plausible at the time.

    In any case, Devastator had better get some good screen time, and I hope we get to see the all the Constructicons fight in their individual robot modes as well.

  31. HOLY CRAP!!! di you just seee the MTV footage!! that was awesome! Starscream, Longhaul, Scrapper!!! n Ravage!!! awesome!!!

  32. sorry to inform you dude, but Devastator doesn't have a lot of screen time. I read the novel. its not big of a role.

    apparently they are switching the scenes around. because even in the book Rampage and Bumble Bee fighting were after Devastator forming.

    but still, JUST SAW THE MTV SCENE!! aweSOME!!!

  33. the footage described above is definetly NOT the footage in the MTV movie awards. This movie is looking better and better every day........

  34. MTV Movie Awards footage just showed. Pretty cool clip

  35. just saw a new tv spot with a few new shots on the history channel, also the footage at the MTV movie awards was SICK!!!, last scene ill see until the movie, enough has been ruined lol


    ITS UP!

    - B-rye!

  37. Just saw the new MTV clip on

  38. Wasn't saying that was the scene, just telling you how the book had it playing the whole Bumble Bee fight. The script has definately been changed a lot, because the novel had Ravage show up just twice in the book, but not in the Bumble Bee fight at the BotCon.

    Its definately great!

  39. Dammit, I was wrong. Im admitting that I was wrong and Ravage really is human-ish size. This brings up all sorts of other possibilities. Like maybe he really is Alice. Whatever, all my worries will die with the movie. And Longhaul is AWESOME!

  40. the mtv footage is at


  42. Link for the MTV footage... :)


    Mtv movie awards scene
    Thank Darkspiderman101 A.K.A Jesse

  44. need a download... please.... Starscream looks evil as hell...cmon june 24


    Actually, Bumblebee ripped out Ravage's "spine" by yanking his tail. It was coated in green stuff. :D

  46. oh what film it is supposed to be " The Attack of Zombie Constructicons " now we have two, demolisher( and/or scavenger ) and rampage, cool.
