Monday, May 18, 2009

New RoTF Movie Images (Updated)

Cinematical has posted the below five new images from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that include shots of the cast and TF vehicles. The picture of the lovely Isabel Lucas is a single image from Thanks to Katie for the info.

Update: Katie found additional new photos on Yahoo Movies.

Giving Megan a run for her money in the beauty departmentPrime driving off Stratosphere?Off into the sunsetIsabel, I raise your sexy gaze with skin tight pantsBB, Lucas or Fox, so hard to chooseI hear ya, having the same problem


  1. First comment! Yes!

    Megan Fox looks cute in that jump suit

  2. hope that pretender chic will go on an orgasmic killing spree in the library that would be awesome!

  3. Israeli Sniper5/18/2009 3:32 PM

    I feel like punching KirkH for saying first...

  4. whoa cool, ratchet and jolt yey their there.
    wonder if the girl in top right is alice? maybe.

    36 days to go :0


  5. I am so relieved to see Ironhide and Ratchet. I was so freaked out because you barely even see them in the trailers. GO IRONHIDE!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I feel like punching Israeli Sniper for being a donkey :P

    Anyway, JOLT! And that Isabel Lucas girl isn't as hot as she seemed from previous pictures. MF ALL THE WAY!!! :D

  7. Dude....You know I'm a teenager right? You lay one little wimpy finger on miner and you go to jail, man!!! Plus, It's the first time I got to comment first so...I even saw the post randomly pop up when I was checking up here.

  8. Autobot Wall-E5/18/2009 3:35 PM

    The girl is Alice. And I agree with Jolt. Good to see those pictures. Makes me want to see this again. (Lost a LOT of excitement after reading book spoilers :/)

  9. Does Sam have a tattoo on his lkeft arm?

    Ps. I'm with you Jolt! He is being a donkey sin't he? (I'm laughing my ass offat these random comments. I must have drinkin too much Zipfizz.) ROTFLMAO

  10. I was wondering how to make everyone happier about Transformers then i though why dont i find Linkin park New Divide song and here it is (First ever to report this) :)

    The quality is not low like it says.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Israeli Sniper5/18/2009 3:53 PM

    Come to Israel you KirkH brat.... My unit will teach you some manners... jail? ahahahhahah! so long as we say you're Arab you're toast...

  13. Optimus Prime says..5/18/2009 3:56 PM

    Mikaela is with one of the three bikes!!! (Whichever one isn't Arcee or Chromia)

  14. Optimus looks like he got off a party bus haha

  15. Isabelle Lucas. MY GOD. Even hotter than Fox. GAHHH.

  16. Israeli Sniper5/18/2009 4:08 PM

    ^ you must be blind!

  17. Atleast I live in America! We get Transformers 2 first!

    Does Sam have a tattoo on his left arm????

  18. Anyone else thinking that could be Arcee behind Megan Fox?

  19. Well...Arcee is pink. I'm not quite sure though.

  20. The Astronomy book that Alice is holding confirms it was written by the professor {COLON} played by Rainn Wilson that was stated months ago.

  21. ENUFF wit da Blogg5/18/2009 4:43 PM

    "Scorpio said...
    I was wondering how to make everyone happier about Transformers then i though why dont i find Linkin park New Divide song and here it is (First ever to report this) :)

    The quality is not low like it says."
    SUCH A F'N PRICK!!!!!

    I'm pretty sure Mike Shinoda of LP was the FIRST EVER to report this.

  22. Israeli Sniper:
    Not at all. Not at all.

    Mmmm... Ms. Lucas, interested in becoming Mrs. Strandh soon?

    Nice pics. The release of the song is also really neat.

  23. I don't get why everyone hates Scorpio. I think he's a great guy.

  24. "I don't get why everyone LIKES Scorpio. I think he's a great GAY"
    fixed :)

  25. A. Looks like a dirt bike behind MF, not one of the three.
    B. Is OP getting off the aircraft carrier bot? Forgot his name but maybe another new Autobot? Could be sweet.

    Glad to see Ratchet, that guy is awesome. Kinda reminds me of Rhinox, from BW.

  26. Nice view of Meagan on the top right.(doing)boner!

  27. Too bad dude. I'm the one getting in to acting here!Plus, you spelled her name wrong.

  28. Israeli Sniper5/18/2009 6:37 PM

    you stupid American, KirkH.... tsk tsk tsk... all the money pouring into Israel...

  29. Don't forget that Americans made Transformers 2 so technically saying stupid American means you're insulting America which means you're insulting Transformers 2. And you call yourself a fan.

    Ps.You're stupid for calling a teenager stupid!

    Beavis: Asswipe!

  30. Comparing Megan Fox to Isabel Lucas is like comparing Jesus to the Devil. Lucas has nothing, I mean NOTHING on Megan. Case Closed!

  31. I'm with you on that one Anonymous!

  32. Anonymous said...
    Comparing Megan Fox to Isabel Lucas is like comparing Jesus to the Devil. Lucas has nothing, I mean NOTHING on Megan. Case Closed!

    /discussion :D

  33. Looking at the picture of Alice (who else could it possibly be, really?) it's obvious that she's a pretender with that look on her face.

    But I still don't think it's Ravage.

    (link in my name fixed, FYI)

  34. This movie is going to blow all kinds of chunks come June.

  35. Yeah Alice looks WAY less hot than in that interview a couple months ago. Megan and her bajangos hanging out in the first pic make me happy.

  36. W3 r h3r3 w3 r w41t1n65/18/2009 8:47 PM

    HEY THAT'S FIRESTAR! Arcee's replacement if she dies. No one can replace Arcee and Firestar was never cool enough to be as awesome as Arcee, but she can fulfill the whole "three bot combine" thing.

    Israeli Sniper really needs to get a life and stop pestering people and being an @$$ to everyone. Seriously dude. Talk Transformers or leave.

  37. "Stupid American" is what they yelled at me in Canada when I was crossing the street without pointing XD

    Canadia is still awesome

  38. Thank you Anonymous and W3rh3r3w3rw41t1n6(I'll just call ya W3)! He acts like he's a fan when he's saying america is stupid which means he's saying Transformers 2 is stupid. Is he just on this blog to piss people off?

  39. I think that picture is of Optimus coming out of Stratosphere.....just a speculation.

  40. Stratosphere it is. Now we know how they get around the world.

  41. canadia is awesome me ass more like ireland and plus fox is way better then lucas!

  42. Awesome! After not seeing ratchet at all, I was scared we wouldn't see him in the movie.

  43. I love megan fox's boobs .... i just camme
