Wednesday, May 27, 2009

News "SkidFlap" Theory

Marco found an interesting theory regarding The Twins on (usually not all that reliable for unreleased films).
"The AutoboTwins were each specially designed to as a reflection/half of the other: Skids has an oversized left arm/eye and Mudflap has an oversized right arm/eye; Skids's face is composed of the top part of the Autobot face and Mudflap's face is composed of the bottom part; and both their feet are of the same mould."
Marco took the two face images of Skids and Mudflaps and superimposed them on each other. Result is rather interesting and seems to prove that they are reflections of each other.


  1. first! this kinda reflects the idea that they were a protoform that split it in half entering the atmosphere.

  2. Never considered these two being based on the Autobot insignia...
    Since The Fallen pretty much has the Decepticon symbol for his face, it'll probably mean that these two will be instrumental in bringing him down...

  3. hmmmmmmmmm once you see it yeah it makes perfect sense!

  4. That's awesome! Agreed with Anonymous at 5:45.. It makes perfect sense now!

    But if they do combine in the movie, i wonder if they'll go from sounding like Spongebobe to sounding like Michael Clarke Duncan LOL.

    I'm really excited to see the twins now, before i wasn't too hyped about them. Now? I'm getting pretty excited.

  5. This does make sense and makes you wonder how this hasn't been spotted before.

  6. they still look like rednecks

  7. Selective Realism5/27/2009 7:15 PM

    So they took one big goober and made 2 smaller goobers.

  8. I just wonder if they will combine and form a bigger bot like arcee...

  9. Actually, both of Mudflap's eyes are pretty much the same size. The are just very off center and out of place.

  10. I think I see a little Jar-Jar Binks in that pic.

  11. i notice something else the thing sticking out on the side of the face what if you switch them around cause they look like they would fit together the other way and the face would look more like the pentagon shape ya see what im talking about
