Friday, May 29, 2009

New TV Spot?

Below is a TV spot called Destiny 30 from linkinparktv that is the bands official YouTube channel. It uses their new song New Divide as the background music for the entire spot. I don't know if this an official edit or not. Thanks to Joseph for the link.


  1. It looks official judging by the new footage.

  2. theres a typo

  3. im not watching this one. from this point forward there will no new trailers for me. im too excited.

  4. This is really not that much more different than the other TV spots, but the inclusion of that song makes this one a win IMHO.

  5. I don't recall that one shot with Shia saying "One day in college" being in any of the other commercials, so it's probably safe to say it's an official edit.

  6. It's official.

  7. well if it is...

  8. ....okay for some reason this site is in edit... I DIDN'T DO IT! seriously

  9. ...ok its back to normal now...ha lol

  10. i'm mixed about it being official... because it has a couple lines that we haven't heard before... but if you look at the scene where the fallen is teleporting in, it doesn't have the autobots

  11. I am unsure as to the new-ness of this video, notice how in the Fallen's teleportation scene, none of the autobots are there (which we have seen in new recent footage). Any opinions on this?

  12. Hehe, this was my find..and yes, it has a spelling error.

  13. NightShade875/30/2009 2:52 AM

    This does sound pretty legit as a new T.V. spot. I mean, look at the newest trailer; over half of it was old footage with a bit of new thrown in. And since Michael said he's still trying to finish the film, they may have added in the scene with the Fallen teleporting in without the Autobots if they needed to fix something.

    Also, if you listen, it does have the PG-13 rating for the movie at the end of the clip which was announced recently.

    Love this T.V. clip almost as much as the one with the twins.

  14. What an odd ad. Did it air during Gossip Girls or something? There were hardly any robots in it. There was some new dialogue from Shia and that's it. They're probably trying to bring the chicks in with this one. The movie is tracking through the roof with the under 24, 24-34, and 34-44 groups and kinda surprising to me, the same with men and women. Gonna be huge.

  15. Ironhide2011
    I dont understand the real effing deal
    cuz i just made a comment about revenge of the fallen lol can someone explian what the site is relly for?

  16. i just saw this spot on mtv a few minuetes ago meaning that it must be legit

  17. -I dont understand the real effing deal
    cuz i just made a comment about revenge of the fallen lol can someone explian what the site is relly for?-

    Oh TheRealEffingDeal is a viral campaign site for ROTF. I dont think it will allow you to comment. The site is run by Leo and his other friends in collage. They are the only few who seem to comment.
