Wednesday, May 27, 2009

TF2 Adaptation Preview #3 with Combined Prime

IDW has posted five pages for the next issue of Transformers: RoTF Adaptation #3 issue that is coming out next Wednesday. Issue 2 comes out tomorrow or info suggests that the entire trade may already be available at Target. The preview is here. The best part is the cover by Josh Nizzi (who designed Long Haul for the movie) that shows the merge of Optimus Prime with Jetfire that looks fantastic. While I wasn't impressed with the toy, I am looking forward to the CGI look of the combined mode. Thanks to Diego for the heads-up. Oops, removed the prequel references.


  1. optimus combining with jetfire to take out megatron not the fallen. knew it.

  2. oops thats not megatron. thats starscream.

  3. holy shit!! I am so pumped for this! this is the best picture i have seen of optimus with jetfire

  4. TS2 Movie PREQUEL? you mean Movie Adaption! ;)


    more detailed imageS (!!) of Prime/Jetfire

  6. He'll take out The Fallen as well in the movie I guess...& Meggy too.

  7. i saw the pictures of the comic and they shouldnt be yelling at poor little Wheelie! Wheelie has suffered enough! I hope they say sorry to him at the end I mean autobots dont use fear and vilonce to get answeres!

  8. Josh Nizzi is a straight up beast! I love his work!
