Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Three New Character Posters

Finally some new posters for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen via Yahoo! Movies. Each of the posters have a hyper detailed version of Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and Starscream in front of the Egyptian pyramids. Hopefully more sheets will be released soon for other Transformer characters. Thanks to Rich for the link.


  1. FIRST!

    Skids and Mudflap will probably share one.

  2. 2nd!!! i can agree with that^^

    and i really want to see some new characters on a poster

  3. 1 i espesially like the detail, on bb his gun is smoking, and on Optimus, his windows are shattered very detailed, starscream looks updated i love these posters!

  4. starscream's face looks like a hornet

  5. i want an IRONHIDE ONE!!!!!!!!!

  6. I want a Long Haul one!!!!!

  7. i bet there gonna have one were it shows all 3 bike sisters in a fighting position in china that says the tagline with the title

  8. i want a RON WICKITY ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (it's witwicky)

  9. @ anonymous,

    you gave me an idea!!! all the constructions would be awesome,!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. RY said...
    @ anonymous,

    you gave me an idea!!! all the constructions would be awesome,!!!!!!!!!!!

    5/05/2009 7:15 PM ...

    Have a demolished city as a back drop, then all constructicons standing there like "yea.. what? you got something to say?" hehe

  11. "Constructicons: vehicles designed to build, robots meant to destroy!!! "

  12. Constructicons United5/05/2009 7:25 PM

    U shud reverse it,

    "Construcitons: Vehicles meant to build, robots designed to destroy!!"


  13. have any of you taken the transformer quiz? sorry for offtopic. this poster awesome!!!!!!!!

  14. hey RY what happened to Bonecrusher rolling?

  15. ^^i decided that if im on other blogs it would be weird so i changed it backto my nickname. (RY= short for Ryan) allthough my favorite and most careless decept from the first movie.

  16. Screw the Long Haul and Ironhide posters... BRING ON THE SOUNDWAVE AND TWINS POSTERS WOOT WOOT!

    - SkidMudswipe

    I'm not sure why, but AIM wouldn't load the log in account verification page. When it works again, I will post to prove that it is me.

  17. I want a fallen one!!!! now

  18. Pretty sweet posters guys and gals!


  19. Wow, very impressive posters! I like but maybe closer to the movie, we get some of the other characters, that be vicious.

  20. i hate how they usually only use returning characters on poster's. id love to see sideswipe n jolt or ironhide n jetfire or ratchet. that would be kool oh and dnt 4get the twins

  21. Here's some more poster art from some company called GBEye. Nothing really all that new but some cool shots of Prime and BB.


  22. Jetfire poster would be awesome..it would sound like "hey,Im old..but I'm a badass man!!"

  23. http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/en_US/

    via tfw2005, hasbro updated their transformer site.

  24. as i said before, jetfire is the equivelent to Yoda, there old and croggy but are badass in action!

  25. I want a poster of Megan Fox on that motorcycle!

  26. Israeli Sniper5/05/2009 10:17 PM

    RY - how the fuck would you know how jetfire would be like in the movie? dont fuckin go quote the legendery uber yoda & compare it to jetfire in the same breath.

    you stupid punk

  27. Counterpunch5/05/2009 10:29 PM

    Check out the wiki oh TF 2.


    Already listed the names of actors who gonna portray the new robots. Mostly Autobots.

    Just befuddled that Wheelie has a female actress as voice cast. So Wheelie is a female?

    Big SPOILER ALERT. Sideswipe will be another 'black' Autobot ala Jazz. :D

  28. Excellent! :D From all we've seen so far, Starscream definitely seems to be the main Decepticon in this movie and that makes me a happy camper. Movie Starscream is one of the most badass characters I've seen.

    Like people have suggested, a Constructicons poster would especially be badass! Here's how I imagine it looking...

    All six (rumors suggest seven) Constructicons are grouped together, looking vicious, while in the background we see Devastator with neat effects added in.

  29. "Big SPOILER ALERT. Sideswipe will be another 'black' Autobot ala Jazz. :D"

    That's great news if it's true but if Sideswipe is the only 'black' character in Revenge of the Fallen and suffers a terrible fate like Jazz in the first movie, then we KNOW as a FACT that Michael Bay is racist.

  30. Counterpunch5/05/2009 10:44 PM

    I forgot to mention the hacker friend of that blonde from the 1st TF movie will this time lend his voice as one of the Twins!

  31. What the F***?! So that starscream CGI image a month back was official? I expected a better more detail image for the poster!! Hmm, are these posters the final??

  32. Holy sh@t...Kadeem hardison who played {dwayne wayne} off the cosby show spin-off a different world with lisa bonet is gonna voice sideswipe?? and Anthony anderson is voicing one of the herpa derpas??? lmao this is gonna be good!!!!

  33. I am an Autobot spy.

  34. Soundwave should so get one. His tagline would be: "Autobots inferior. Decepticons superior."

    Hell! Better yet: "Soundwave superior. Constructicons inferior."

  35. Anthony Anderson voicing one of the twins. This is gonna be good.

  36. I want to see a Jetfire, Devastator and The Fallen poster :)

    Out of these 3 Bumbleebee is the best i love the smoke effect coming from the gun. It must have taken them ages to do all the 3D work :)

  37. Anthony Anderson is a good choice.

  38. What? No "FAAAKKEEEE!!111" posts, or anything...? You lazy bastards...

  39. Posters are really kewl..!

    Going to see Star Trek at 20.00 here in Holland
    that's only 6 and a half hours away can't wait..!

  40. ^^^ Finally!

  41. I think the one of Optimus Prime looks the coolest. Anybody else agree with me on that. I also think that they need to have a poster of the Twins and the Constructicons.

  42. i'm waiting on the stakticon poster,

  43. ^^^^^^^
    Is he in this film?

  44. the final poster from rotf, how come no one has seen this or said anything about it yet
