Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Tony Todd Cast In Transformers 2

The official Tony Todd website has revealed that the actor has been cast in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.

If you watch movies and television on even a semi-regular basis you probably recognize the face. His most recent roles included playing CIA Director in the first season of Chuck (before getting blown up), playing the dictator in just finished season of 24, Candyman from those movies and a just really long list of credits. He is part of that large group of character actors that helps keep the Hollywood engine running, just plugging away working and yet rarely gives the proper credit for their efforts.

The note from the site:
We've been waiting to announce this for a little bit and here it is:
Tony will be taking part in this summers biggest blockbuster ...


Now who he is going to play is still under wraps, but we can say...
don't look for him because you wont see the man himself...!!
Thats all we can say for now!
This is going to be one helluva a summer !!
That indicates the deep voiced actor is playing a Transformer, which one is the question. He sounds like a Decepticon to me, possibly one of the Constructicons (my guess is Mixmaster). Congrats to Tony, hopefully not a Decepticon (alternate suggestion is Sideswipe) or it will just be a one movie role. More than likely Tony recorded his voice work months ago.


  1. I'd go with Sideswipe he seems like a good type to play him. Besides I thought Mixmaster was already confirmed for another actor. Really interesting news anyways.

  2. good voice for a decepticon i would say.

  3. i'm guessing either stratosphere or devastator, my money is on devastator if they decide for him to say anything

  4. the fallen or is he already taken???

  5. First and foremost, I want to give HUGE PROPS to TFLive for all that you do. I mean, seems you scour EVERY inch of this planet to get us TFfans the Transformers info we hunger for, and for that, I can't thank you enough.

    Second, I hope that Tony Todd plays an Autobot, preferably Sideswipe. Will be interesting to see how this whole thing plays out, and I wonder if he's done any voicework before.

    Third, on another note, I think some other awesome actors/voice actors for Transformers would be: James Earl Jones, Keith David (does those Navy Commercials and also was in the film "Dead Presidents" as the bald guy that ran that pool hall), the amazing Jeff Bridges, Michael Ironside(does the voice of Sam Fisher in "Splinter Cell"), Gabrielle Union for Arcee(no disrespect to Sue Blu, but if Bay goes with someone new, try Gabrielle), Judd Hirsch - would be good for Wheeljack, Renee Auberjoinois, John Kassir or Tom Kenny - for Starscream, as well as the amazing David Warner.

  6. it could be demolisher, sideswipe, jolt, one of twins, devastator, a constructicon ecept long haul and mixmaster, sideways or even THE FALLEN

  7. i can't wait until one of these sites has the breakdown of each still and what not. i love those hi-res pics. usually this blog or /film or cinematical or movie chronicles does it.

  8. I think he is more likely going to be Mudflap or Jolt as i`m sure Mixmaster and Longhaul are already taken.

    Sideswipe could also be him i suppose we cant know for sure until it is offically revealed or the film is released :)

  9. for the 3:33pm anonymous starscream is already taken and it would be ace if will smith was sideswipe

  10. Darthfj here: I also thougt mixmaster got his voice from an artist....or someone...it was allready posted on this blog

  11. ^^^Mike Patton of Faith No More.

    All I know is if Sideswipe is voiced by a black person, and Sideswipe dies, the NAACP is going to have a FIT

  12. ^^^^
    What about if any of the Fem bots die. I`m sure many female fans will be annoyed.

  13. snortpocket said...
    ^^^Mike Patton of Faith No More.

    All I know is if Sideswipe is voiced by a black person, and Sideswipe dies, the NAACP is going to have a FIT


    Could happen but even the NAACP knows that the first "person" or "robot" to die in a movie is black. Its just the way it is...

    Also ... Could he be voicing Long Haul? Think about it.. would Long haul have a lil faggy voice...?

  14. I just figured out what the new Linkin Park song is about - Scorpio's blog. You see, some people will follow Scorpio while others stay loyal to TFLive.

    It is a DIVIDE thats NEW

    (I know this doesnt belong here but there isnt THAT much to say about tony todd)

  15. He's the rocket man

  16. Scorpio: What about if any of the Fem bots die. I'm sure many female fans will be annoyed.

    Yes but no fembots dies in the first movie because there weren't any. If Bay kills off a SECOND black transformer its pretty much grounds for a nerd race war

  17. If he voices Sideswipe, he BETTER not die! To Awesome Black Transformers dying is just stupid...

  18. "Jolt."

    ^ ROFL XD

    Anyway... I think maybe Rampage, Long Haul (if not Mike Patton), Scrapper, or Scavenger. I don't think that he will be Hightower because I doubt Hightower will have lines. Maybe not Scrapper either. I am fine with that, as long as we get to see their robot modes.

    I doubt Mudflap. He is too silly to have a deep and more serious voice. If Jetfire wasn't Joh Tuturro I would have guessed that this guy is him. Anyway, can't wait to hear everyone's voice :D

    Favorite line so far: "It's upgrade time!"

    (I chose to can the "Autobot Wall-E name. Back to SkiddyMuddswyeep)

  19. I dont know if thats the real snortpocket makin these dumb ass remarks,Hes has said some crazy stuff b4 but nothin this stupid...dont think its him. I bet ol tony plays Devy...it would fit him.

  20. Random. But I'd Think It would b Awesome IF Steve Buscemi Voiced one of the TWINS!!!!

  21. It is snortpocket. I can smell his 'sarcastic yet cool' posts a mile away...

  22. Kate Beckingsale would be a good Voice 4 ARCEE

  23. Hey is it me or does prime seem to smal in this scene?! I know that his crouching but he seems smaller and skinier than ususal


  24. Mudflap is going to be voiced b Anthony Anderson who played Glen the computer hacker in the first film. Just listen to his scream as he's sucked up by Devastator in he trailer.

  25. sarcastic yes...cool no,although he is a funny guy.

  26. I THAT PIX YOU CAN SEE OP, ironhide, ratchet, sideswipe, bumblebee and jetfire

  27. Tom Kenney has been thought of as a possible Skids voice. Listen to it and hear the similarity to other characters that he has voiced (even a little Spongebob in there).

  28. shut up kup racism is a serious issue

  29. in that picture that also make's me happy to know that Sideswipe isn't going to be constantly moving. :-) but what i dont understand is that why go into vehicle mode if you have wheeled feet? like demolisher and sideswipe+arcee sisters. now i know when there hiding but in a battle, i bet they'll just transform 1nce. and for the 3 trailers,i think it is confirmed that Scavenger and demolisher, have the same alt mode (strange :-()) but just different color (scavenger being red with some white, and demolisher being white with some red.) i think this is really stupid. and i hope we get to see all the constructions robot mode's besides the devy combo. I WANT HIGHTOWER!, i hope his robot mode isnt wat we saw on the devy toy that had overload part of it,that would suck n he have no arms then (i think)

  30. thats the thing about bay is that he thinks decepticons are beasts so he makes devastator walk on all four and will likely roar because this devastator is what bay sees when he thinks of the combined robots.

  31. He will voice Arcee...the first drag queen among the transformers.

  32. I wonder if you say his character's name 5 times while looking in a mirror, will he come and kill you?

  33. Scorpio said...
    What about if any of the Fem bots die. I`m sure many female fans will be annoyed.


    I think we would be. I mean the first femme transformer on the big screen for this universe and she dies right off? That just doesn't sound right. Also I've been looking forward to seeing her. I was disapointed that she wasn't in the first. This should be interesting how they play her out since she is a combiner.

    I think Mudflap might die because of what happened in the commericial but we can't be too sure. I'm not sure though.

    They better not kill Sideswipe I really like him! But yeah I see him more to have a black actor doing his voice than anyone else.

    Anyways this is going to be interesting to see how it turns out.

  34. Why is everyone obsessed with Sideswipe? We haven't seen Wheelie except in the showwest footage.

  35. I just realized why he looked so familiar.

    Tony Todd played Captain Darrow in another Michael Bay action movie "The Rock". Absolutely fantasic choice! I like the guess that he could be Sideswipe but we'll see!

  36. I really could see Mike Patton doing an autobot over a decepticon...His voice doesn't have that dark edge to it....

    But man, the man can go crazy...Mike Patton is one versatile mofo..but I really see him as a spazzy 'bot and not pissed off 'con.

  37. -Yes but no fembots dies in the first movie because there weren't any. If Bay kills off a SECOND black transformer its pretty much grounds for a nerd race war-

    I didnt think there were any black transformers in TF1 except maybe Jazz. There are three fembots in this film i wonder how much of an outcry there would be if bay killed them all.

  38. "I didnt think there were any black transformers in TF1 except maybe Jazz"

    Wow Scorpio, you should be a movie critic or something, your attention to subtle details is astounding

  39. Counterpunch5/20/2009 2:48 AM

    ahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahah! way to go snortpocket!

  40. I believe he will voice the fallen.

    upon saying the fallen's name three times he will appear, thus the scene in the new commercials we've seen.

  41. -Wow Scorpio, you should be a movie critic or something, your attention to subtle details is astounding-

    Although Bay never confirmed Jazz was black . . .

    Wait why are we discussing TF ethinicity. They are all Metal anyway :P

  42. Counterpunch5/20/2009 12:24 PM

    ^ Why you backtracking what you just wrote earlier, Scorpio? what snortpocket said is true. Jazz is the only robot with a black man as the voice cast in the movie. you said it yourself.

    "I didnt think there were any black transformers in TF1 except maybe Jazz."

    And no, they're not JUST metal.

  43. ^^^^

    I meant they have no ethnicity in the films even if they are played by an ethnic person. I was wondering do Transformers even have ethnic races. Or are they just all the same.

    Oh and also here is Sideways:

  44. Oh for Christ's sake Scorpio, for someone who presents himself as a human Encyclopedia Transformica, you're really being a retard of the highest caliber if you don't realize that Jazz, is and always was, the "black" transformer

  45. ^^^^
    Ok then i believe you. Done.

  46. ahahahhahahahaha snortpocket did it again! ahahahhahahah!

  47. now now guys. jazz doesn't like being called black. he's african cybertronian.

  48. Nor-Weeg -Ian5/20/2009 5:06 PM


    I thought this was about the film. Oh and Jazz isnt Black he is dark silver :P

    Besides there is not ethnicity in Transformers except the people who are there voice actors. The only ethnical difference with TF`s is the colour of there armor. They all started off as the same exact looking protoform.

  49. -ahahahhahahahaha snortpocket did it again! ahahahhahahah!-

    Did what. You were the one who convinced him not Snortyprick

    Brock (No not the one you fought with)

  50. Israeli Sniper5/20/2009 5:18 PM

    WTF is this fugly on about?!

  51. there will be a new teaser trailer shown at the MTV Music Awards on Sunday May 31st @ 9PM ET. fresh footage!

  52. Hi Anthony!
    It's me Obah(IRIS Pressley -Hall) from your UCONN DAYS. I am so proud of you! Its been years,I always knew you would stick to it and make a living doing what you are gifted to do.You always took the Art of Acting seriously...
    Take care and if you are so incline,touch base.
