Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Toys R Us Transformers Preview Night

Select Toys R Us stores are planning a preview night for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen toys for May 29th at 9:00pm according to MaxGoof. The toys themselves officially debut on May 30th. The list of stores participating can be found here.


  1. There's any image or video of Mike Patton doing the voice of Mixmaster?
    Thank You!

  2. What about stores in Canada? Or is that a States-Only thing?

  3. Whats interesting is that i live in Rhode Island where Hasbro is located and the is not a preview night. Go figure! Pun intended.

  4. In New Zealand the first wave of toys went out last night. To be released on the 28 may for all retail stores. I work for one of the larger chains, which is very similer to Walmart

  5. i was just at walmart and they have blocked off a large area in toys and have signs that say new transformers toys will be available friday may 29th at 5pm...earlier than toys r us.
