Friday, May 22, 2009

The Twins Headshots

Two more CGI images, this time from ACToys, to go with Scrapper. These are just the heads of Skids and Mudflap, complete with gold tooth. Yay, the Twins as Hollywood's vision of a southern redneck. That voice work will have to spot on because their design isn't doing them any favors. Thanks to Scorpio and ghola_tleilaxu for the links.


  1. they look like hicks!

  2. Herp and Derp! :D

  3. they look cool. good job scorp and ghola.

  4. Selective Realism5/22/2009 6:37 PM

    Larry The Cable Guy cringes in fear.......

  5. they do look like hicks! haha hmmm Larry the Cable guy and Tom kenny, im actually liking that but i hope that if its Larry the Cable guy he doesnt sound EXACTLY like himself.

  6. haha Larry the Cable Guy lives close to me actually

  7. That gold tooth gimmick is so ridiculously corny it's beyond me why Bay even considered comic relief on this scale.

  8. kids like that sort of thing

  9. ... and GB Blackrock is considered 'too cartoony' by Bay.

    Maybe this is a complete yang to the overall movie's darkness yin.

  10. These look like crap compared to the actual finished product like in the tv spot "It's On". Yeah they look like hicks and Skids sounds like one in the tv spot. ......"It's upgrade time"

  11. I figured out why these look like crap.... they are not exactly the same as the finished product. Skids has a few more facial things added to him in the tv spot. Proving once again you can't go by early renders of things.

  12. They both look like Jar Jar Binks if you ask me! :p Escpecially Mudflap. :')

  13. Hahahahahaha. They look like they have Down Syndrome. XD

  14. What's up with their Mike Tyson like tats on their face and teeth?

  15. skids sounds like spongebob and ill be suprised if they even make it to the third movie it looks like they have a really bad bonner. xD

  16. Uh the voice in the trailer isn't southern or redneck at all why do people keep saying that, it sounds more gangsta to me. I like the heads in motion especially my girlfriends -Zing-

  17. ^^^ I agree. Finally someone with sense. How the hell do you get a gold tooth is redneck? Looks more like those idiot hip-hop wannabes.

  18. Yeah exactly skids sounds way gangta, i thought when i head the voice i was like i get it hes supposed to be hip hop

  19. Ya in the trailer he sounded like he was a gangsta if this turns out to be true that they have a "pimped out" autobot I sware to god I want Devestator to eat him or step on him just die within the first 10 mins. of the movie and I'll be ok

  20. First they are not gangsters Bay already said they arnt very smart so why would there be stupid gangsters how do they even sound like gangsters more like spongebob to me.

  21. actually if you read the novel...Mudflap is kind of the stupid one with the crappy lisp...and Skidz actually talks like he's a G.

  22. i had to comment on this. dont these two characters look like spongebob and patrick??...if you really look at the faces that who i think they are. Remember bay wanted two stupid robots that save the day if that is how the movie plays out....kinda make sense to a point

  23. Yeah, he's even got the teeth...F is for friends who do stuff
