Tuesday, June 16, 2009

BD-Live Revenge of the Fallen Scene

As previousily posted, the new BD-Live content for the first Transformers Blu-ray disc is now live. As part of that, there where three new clips. I believe the first two was Wheelie vs Mikaela and NEST vs Demolisher. This one found on TFW2005 is Sam and company getting captured by Grindor.

WARNING, while the video is fine the sound is a very irritating noise so turn the volume down before playing. I figure you would rather have the video with aweful sound then nothing at all.


  1. That is pretty cool, I like how Grindor just stays in Vehicle mode and doesn't expose himself.

  2. i wanna look...can i look..no i dont wanna loook----

  3. So the people in their cars are just watching a huge ass helicopter just completely latch onto a car and launch it into the sky? And they survive when their car plummets 50 feet dead on into concrete? What happened to trying to make it somewhat realistic?

  4. man when they fall and the car lands face first they all be dead but it still seems pretty cool

  5. www.gametrailers.com/video/exclusive-mp-transformers-revenge/51577 another video from the game

  6. For those who cant get it to work on your ps3,go to bd live data and press delete info then go to bd live and it should work

  7. That scene was shot in Philly. Saturn on Hook as we remember was the title on the call sheets I believe. I've got video of that happening.

  8. This a F...ing cool scene from the movie I can wait to see it and believe its gonna be the best Action Scifi Movie for the rest of this year.

  9. That was shot in Philly. Saturn on Hook as the call sheet was. I've got some video of it laying around somewhere.

  10. that was kinda awesome righ there

  11. Where did the airbags go?

  12. Holy shitballs.

    That was badass.

    Sucks for the sound thoug =/

  13. I have the BluRay, and I don't see any new content on BDLive. Anyone know how to access it. Yes, I already have an account. Thanks in advance.

  14. whoa cool ,sound thing is abit annoying tho.

  15. i wonder if the part where starscream cuts the car in half is the part where sam's hand is injured? maybe it got in the way of the saw?

  16. whoa cool sound thing is abit annoying tho

  17. wouldn't the car explode if the engine is still running and is being cut in half?

  18. need tf cut scene

  19. Ok, now I know pretty much the fate that was intended for Barricade. If you watch the new clips of the rough CGI images of the transformers, you'll see one scene with Barricade and Ratchet fighting in Mission City.

    It's brief (and a very rough CGI render), but you see Barricade run up the side of a building, do a kind of summersault off the side and over Ratchet, and transform back into car mode just as he hits the ground. Whether he survives the battle or not is not shown, but with recent news of him not being in ROTF, I'm guessing Ratchet kicks his a$$.

    Now, as to why this was cut ... well, Barricade already had his big fight scene with Bumblebee, and I'm assuming cost and movie lenght played a role.


  20. Hmm...I think I'd rather have "Nuthin at all...Nuthin at all...Nuthin at all..." Honestly, this video is a bigger waste of time than the "Lovely little video showing a history of the Star Trek titles"...which I also made fun of :P

  21. that was awesome but still pissed that michael bay made a transformer who looks exactly the same as Blackout i'm still callin him Blackout screw that name Grindor

  22. News artwork ARCEE : http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/6797/954eb39fef89a470d8a42a3.jpg


  23. where is this scene with barricade and ratchet you guys are talking about? i just watched this video but didn't see anything like that.

  24. sam's hand is reported to be injured during an attack on the spacebridge

  25. i think the tri didn't die from the 50ft fall because when the crashed through the roof, it probably absorbed their fall just a little bit.

  26. The cut scene with ratchet and barricade (again, its a rough CGI render and lasts maybe a second or two) can be found in the robot design or artwork folder. Sorry, don't remember the name. It shows a lot of brief CGI scenes to show you how the robots were created and inserted into live action scenes. Barricade and Ratchet are at the end.


  27. I cant get it to work on my ps3. Can someone help me.:(

  28. I cant get it to work on my ps3. Can someone help me. :(

  29. Either there is an editing error, or this isn't the full scene. The car is driving next to an elevated road/train. When the heli comes in, and when the Saturn is hit by the other car, there is no elevated road/track in view.

  30. "Anonymous said...
    wouldn't the car explode if the engine is still running and is being cut in half?"

    In the movies, yes. In real life, no.

  31. For the Anon @ 3:54, this has gotta to be edited a little (probably alot) from the full scene. NO WAY is Bay gonna let us see a complete scene.

    7 days left, these last few are gonna be painfully slow . . .

  32. just got my tickets to this movie! fucking awesome!!

  33. For you who claims that they would all be dead from a drop like that..

    watch this clip where you will se a car be dropped from 120 feet


  34. At Anon @ 11:22 this was probably and editid sceen so they probably pushed the airbags away or something ;)

  35. There are 3 scenes. Shanghai, Adobe Hut, and We're Gonna Die. Adobe Hut is a previously shown scene with Sam and Mikaela in a small village in Cairo it looks like, where Sam pulls apart the bug.

    We're Gonna Die has Leo asking "Ok, so what else don't I know since you guys forgot to mention some minor details.. huh!?"
    Sam cuts in with "That thing you saw back there that was a little baby- Woah!" Car slams, and so on..

    It seems the car crashes through the roof of the building which absorbs some of the fall and then the airbags deploy when the front hits just before the cars rolls onto the roof. For those question the gas tank thing, I believe thats to one side of the car while Starscream cuts down the center missing it.

  36. Heh. It was me that posted it in TFW2005 and I got a temporary ban for it. Way to go. ¬¬
    BTW, the audio is there. If you listen to it with GOM Player it looks and sounds tolerable.

  37. "So the people in their cars are just watching a huge ass helicopter just completely latch onto a car and launch it into the sky?"

    So you wanted them to add an extra 5 minutes panning over everyone around the surroundings, telling you how they are reacting to the situation?

    "And they survive when their car plummets 50 feet dead on into concrete? What happened to trying to make it somewhat realistic?"

    Because fighting robots are so much more realistic.

  38. Michael Bay can do what ever he wants to.... he's Michael Bay and he'll tell you that he has a 200 million dollar bank account and his movies have sold over a billion dollars worth of tickets! What movies have you made? is also another response Bay likes to give to people you question his box office receipts. Because money equals quality.

    Sure Bay said that he was not going to have silly or unrealalistic things like the cartoon in the movie. Because the cartoon does not hold up that well and people remember their childhoods sweeter than they really are.

    Despite all of the things Bay said. He did it anyway because people will see it no matter how dumb and unrealalistic it is.
    Peeing, farting, balls, cussing, buckteeth, mutant faces, leg humping, unrealalistic action scenes, allspark mass shifting, bumblebee's vocie never gets fixed... allspark fixs Frenzy whole body Frenzy gets head cut off and is still alive but Jazz dies by being torn in half then frenzy dies again and stays dead when his head gets cut off....

  39. Frenzy's allspark is in his head. He died once his head was smashed to pieces.

    Jazz's allspark was in his chest. When he's torn in two you see the blue sparks spilling out of him. Same with Blackout.

    When the car is dropped by Grindor, from that height, they are traveling probably about 35 to 45 mph. Maximum velocity could not be reached from that height and the building's roof would also cause a decrease in speed. You see the airbags deploy when they crash. People get into much more serious accidents and walk away.

    Cutting a car in two will not make it explode Hit the tank and it might catch fire, if there is an ignition source.

    The writers did say the allspark mass shifting was a cheat. They didn't know what else to do with it. They wrote themselves into a corner on that one.

