Thursday, June 18, 2009

BD-Live Transformers 1 Deleted Scenes

More content from the BD-Live special features have made their way online with two deleted scenes from Transformers 1. The first scene shows the final fate of Fig (Amaury Nolasco) and the second is a scene between Maggie (Racheal Taylor) and Glen (Anthony Anderson) as she gets to work just before the meeting with the Defense Secretary (Jon Voight). Thanks to Teddy from


  1. these were shown during the IMAX version when it was brought back to theaters

  2. These scenes would have made the movie a whole lot better. It felt like they kind of sprung Anthony Anderson's character on us halfway in.

  3. Bay wanted to bring Nolasco back for the second movie since it was not included in the film, but he was making another movie. lets hope he brings him back for transfornmers 3.

  4. Cant bring back a dead guy

  5. hmm. deleted scenes doesnt count as actual part of the movie. so yes he can bring him back. and I also read an article stating that bay had asked to him to replay his role in the movie.
