Sunday, June 14, 2009

CGI Rampage and Sideways

From TFG2, below are a few images of Rampage (red in movie) and Sideways in CGI along with their real world counterpart. Rampage is apparently in his jackhammer mode. Overall they look pretty good.


  1. Oh, cool. So Rampage transforms into a huge, juicy dick.

  2. Sideways is a rough draft CG. Rampage is obviously super detailed art.

  3. Wow, Rampage looks amazing and I'm glad to have a full still detailed image of what he looks like now. He is one of my favs in design for the new movie.

  4. I´m still hoping all those spoilers to be false so Sideways gets more than half a minute screen in robot mode...

  5. SO he's RED in the movvie??

  6. Awesome pics man. I give tons of credit to the designers and artist behind the Transformers movies. Great job.

  7. i wonder if rampage's jackhammer mode plays an important or specific part in the movie.

  8. CG means Computer Generated. I think these two qualify.

    Anyway, great job on this site! Been following it for a while! Thanks for your hard work.

  9. Rampages face looks like a wasps.
    Which makes him look like a big wasp when you notice his entire body is bent like the insects, as well as the colors, and the arms would represent wings.

    He looks awesome.

    I like him, will probably buy him just because of this picture.

  10. hm, from the moment when i first saw rampage in the trailer, the zerg (starcraft) similarity was so obvious to, when looking at this cgi pic, i'm pretty sure that's an nice truth :) love it!

  11. I hope that once the film comes out we get full CGI renders of all the 'bots. Its all well and good seeing them move on the screen but its great to get detailed still images so you can really see them properly.

  12. I agree with an.@ 4:18
    The biggest disappointment in the first movie for me was the fact that you never got a good look at most of the decepticons (Megs, Scorp and Frenzy were the exceptions).
    I thought the looks of the robots like Blackout and Bonecrusher was fantastic. But it was very frustrating that you never got to see a good close-up of them so that you could really study their incredibly detailed design. They were always either too far away or moving too fast.

  13. I wonder how Rampage walks..Sideways looks badass,but not enough to match Sideswipe..;p

  14. CGI refers to 3d animation, where the computer does the rendering. The artists do the modles and textures and tell the computer what sort of material it is and where the lighting is and the computer take all that information, run it through scripts and make the final image. It can (and does) go wrong, usually with humorous glitches. The artist never work directly on the final image but on setting it up for the computer to render. The sideways image is this, though in rough stages.

    Rampage is a digital painting, where all the details, textures and rendering is done directly by the artist and not by computer code. They work directly on the image, building it up with layers. They can sometimes use the adjustment features in photoshop to tweak it but they are in complete control. If something doesn't look right, they erase it and redo it. Thus it is NOT generated by the computer and NOT CGI.

    I am sick and tired of hearing effing laymen call all forms of computer graphics CGI.

  15. Sideways looks awesome and i cant wait to see him on the big screen...

    only hope hes got enough time to shine!

  16. Sideways only appeared like, for 5 secs
