Friday, June 05, 2009

Chevy Camaro Transformers Commercial

The tie-in commercials continue, this time for the Chevy Camaro that uses scenes from both Transformers movies. Thanks to Mauricio for the link.


  1. First
    badass car.
    If I had the cash, i would buy it, even though GM is in the crapper.

  2. @W Ditto.

    In general:
    Hah! I saw this commercial almost a week ago when I went to see Star Trek... I figured somebody had already linked it... *shrug*


    I WILL own that car someday... I am determined.

  3. What is the price tag of this car btw, dord anyone know? Can they export outside the US.

  4. This is better than Porsche!

  5. I don't know whether or not they export yet (though I'm sure if you're determined enough you can get one shipped), but I know the base price is around $33,000. The price steadily goes up as you add features, obviously, but it's much better starting off than many other muscle cars of it's league.

  6. Argh! The previous comment by Watch Dawg (or something like that) was me. I didn't realize my brother was logged in... ugg! Sorry!

  7. I am not an american car fan. But this new Camaro has me excited. There isnt another American made car that I would consider buying. If there is anything that can jumpstart GM it would be the new camaro. best looking of all the retro pony cars by far.

  8. Oh how i wish i had this car its such a badass car.
