Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Isabel Lucas ROVE Interview

Isabel Lucas was on Australian show ROVE last week to promote Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. She answers the usual questions about getting the job (help from Spielberg), working with Bay (challenges his actors) and how to run in heels. In addition, click here for a short, humor segment she participated in. Found by Deefuzz.


  1. she sounds dumb in this interview.

  2. This entire time following TF:ROTF I had always thought that Isabel Lucas was from Brazil until I saw this review and looked up her info and it said she was from Australia.


    "The more you know!"

  3. I think I love her.

    That show seems awesome, I really need to start watching it. Laughed my ass off at times. Thanks for the clip!

  4. Isabel Lucas is officially the 2nd hottest girl on Earth... especially with that accent.

  5. wow... micheal bay's a creeper lol
