Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life Size Fan Made G1 Bumblebee

A California man with a deep love of Generation 1 Bumblebee created a life size version that stands 18 feet tall in his yard. To check out the full article and gallery, click here. Thanks to Mike for the link.

“I’ve always been a fan of the Transformers,” Tom Rhoads Rhoads stated to the crew at mim. “And when my son was born I decided to make the statue.”

The statue stands at 18 feet tall and built from a used Volkswagen, yes that’s right a used Volkswagen, in this economy who can afford to chop up a new Camaro and besides some of us liked the cartoon characters better!

The statue took him and a friend a year to build in their spare time. A crane had to hoist the 1200 lb robot onto its feet after the welding was completed. Its legs are made of steel and angle iron to keep it secure.


  1. wow thats great effort put there by a very loyal fan of g1 transformers .and i must say its very impressive and neat sculpture

  2. I drive past this man's house once every few weeks, lives about a half hour from me. It's pretty impressive honestly.

  3. Mega props! That is proper awesome

  4. This is AWESOME.

    But it reminds me of one thing: It would have been REALLY silly looking to have had G1 designs in a live action movie.

    But bravo! It's a great tribute.
