Monday, June 08, 2009

Michael Bay as an M&M

A cute image of Michael Bay from the M&Ms marketing campaign with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, complete with perpetual five o'clock shadow. I saw this last week in the current issue of Entertainment Weekly so safe to say this will be popping up all over the place soon. Image from (which is good as my scanned copy was useless). Thanks to Ali for the link.


  1. if thats the actually size of the fallen compared to optimus, hes not as big as i thought he would be...
    i thought the primes would be more colossal like but oh well.
    still a great poster though but i think bay wouldnt like the fact that hes a purple m&m. or a m&m in general... lol.

  2. i wonder if optimus might actually be in a 'ultimate duel' with the fallen. i wonder what the outcome might be, considering optimus is the good guy, but the fallen is physically superior. any ideas?

  3. That M&M looks gay. I'd be pissed if I were Michael Bay.

  4. nice to see that the two actually square off. Im sure prime wins. Really dont think all the previous rumors of him dying are accurate at all.

  5. eww, that m&m has hair on it!

  6. Ow..why is Prime so short?I wish he could be taller..;(

  7. Not a m&m i'd want to eat. That hair, hat and stubble doesnt look tasty.

  8. Selective Realism6/09/2009 9:45 AM

    Business M in the front & Party M in the back

  9. the lack of any kind of nose makes it looks creepy

  10. this is my queer than the american idol loser

  11. You do know taemysh0e that he is crouching i suppose his powers will be what make or breaks him as a Prime

  12. The M&M visage makes him look like a woman XD

  13. What happened to the super spoilertastic update about the Tokyo release?

    I hadn't gotten a chance to sit down and read it yet. :'(

  14. Never mind. I'm blind and apparently unable to scroll.

  15. Anonymous at 1:49

    You just made my da!!! LOL!!!!
