Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson Dead at age 50

In an interruption of normal Transformers news, it is now been confirmed that the "King of Pop", Michael Jackson, died today at the age of 50 in Los Angeles of cardiac arrest. His contribution to music is nearly without equal.

As Transformers was hitting the airwaves in 1984, he released the single Thriller from what is still considered the most popular album of all time with 109 million copies sold worldwide and 10 top 10 singles. He has been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, once as a solo artist and a second time as member of The Jackson 5. He has won 13 Grammys, created 13 number one singles more than any other artist, sold 750 million albums worldwide. While many may remember him as tabloid fodder I will remember him for the music he created and I have enjoyed these many years.

Michael Jackson
August 29, 1958 - June 25th, 2009

Michael Jackson's Youtube Channel - Many videos from the artist
Jackson 5 - Playlist of many videos of the group.


  1. Selective Realism6/25/2009 8:05 PM

    Good riddance.

    People should not be honoring this sick pedophile.

  2. Sad ...cos his life became just ridiculous at one point.....loved the way you tied this and the transformers though .

  3. Luis Cotovio6/25/2009 8:15 PM

    Latelly he had become quite a messed up character, true, with all the surgeries and all the acusations of child abuse...
    But i, personally, will remember him for "Thriller", "Billie Jean", "Beat It", "Bad" and so many, many other great songs that he gave us and the brilliance of his dancing. He is part of my memories growing up and that will never change. Hope he has finally found a measure of peace.

  4. The Michael Jackson I was awed by disappeared for me ages ago. The guy who just died wasn't him so I guess I mourned the actual Michael Jackson years ago. I can't imagine what his poor kids are going to go through when they go out in public unveiled - they have a freaky time ahead.

    Still in my confused, mixed up feelings its a sad day thanks to the passing of a revolutionary in the music business and someone who changed music and the music video for ever. So for this, I pay my respects.

  5. Michael aint no pedophile, he was a great musician and caring person who was made out to be a bad guy by the media and those who wanted to take advantage of him and his kindness. His music was and is amazing. He will be missed.

  6. dude try to keep pedophiles out of transformers

  7. Brilliant artist

  8. He will be missed... we'll be singing his songs long after he's gone. Rest in Peace Michael...

  9. Can't believe i'm the first to make this joke, but in his own way, MJ was a Transformer. He transformed from a black dude into a white dude.

  10. @G.Chow - "who was made out to be a bad guy by the media"

    The media didn't dangle his baby over a balcony. Just because he died doesn't he wasn't an idiot at times. At the same time, I'm sure people would have taken advantage of him at times.

  11. Wait, this has nothing to do with transformers, why is it here? It's all over Yahoo and Aim anyway.

  12. Media made stuff up my ass he owned Neverland Ranch which was to attract little kids,thats like driving around in a van full of puppys and kittens trying to get little kids to get in. He was even on 60 Minutes saying that it was ok for kids that were sleeping over at his house to sleep in his bed, so face it he was a child molester which is ashame becaus he was very talented and some great hits, but a child molester is still a child molester no matter what else he does!

  13. Selective Realism6/26/2009 12:12 AM

    When you have a secret room in your house with a bed, children's toys, children's videos guarded by a alarm that triggers when someone approaches that specific room in addition giving kids "Jesus juice" sleep with them in the same bed youre a freakin' pedophile.

    Where there is smoke there is fire.

  14. sucks to be farrah fawcett right now

  15. You do know that Farrah Faucette died also, right? And So did Ed McMahon.

  16. R.I.P Michael Jackson:(

  17. @ Anonymous 12:49

    yes of course I know she died, that was my point. She suffered through ass cancer for god knows how long, finally died and rather than gearing up for a string of tributes, MICHAEL GODDAMN JACKSON croaks within hours and people are all "wait, farrah who"?

  18. I hope he wasnt taken to a childrens hospital wishes to his kids, here's hoping they learn enough not to turn into what thier father had turned into

  19. Awesome that you put this here dude. My two favorites, Michael Jackson and Transformers. Saw the greatest movie of all time on Wednesday and the greatest artist of all time passed the day after.

    I was born in 1982 so I grew up with both and when I wasn't playing with or watching Transformers, I was learning how to dance while listening to and watching Michael Jackson songs and videos.

    And as for Farrah Fawcett's death. First of all, she'd been sick for a long time so it was expected. Sad of course, but we knew it was coming. Second of all, i'm sorry to say but she was nowhere near as famous nor as popular as Michael Jackson. That's just the way it is. Plus, his death was sudden. Nobody knew, nobody thought that he was gonna die anytime soon.

    Same thing with Ed McMahon. A legend in television yes, but still. The man was 86 years old and had been in and out of the hospital for months before he died.

    Who remembers anybody that died around the same time Elvis passed?

    Anyway, R.I.P. Michael Joseph Jackson, the greatest of all time.
    R.I.P. Ferrah Leni Fawcett
    R.I.P. Edward Leo Peter McMahon, Jr.

    The world will miss you all...

  20. I'm sorry, I missed the part where this has ANYTHING THE F TO DO WITH TRANSFORMERS

  21. Why is it that people label Micheal Jackson as a pedophile? He was never convicted of a charge. Its crazy because as a society we believe what we see in the media. You must keep in mind that Micheal Jackson was never a normal person, he was a genius in his craft. Keep in mind that he has been secluded within the confines of his home since the age of 10 because of the general public and the media. Imagine if you had no idea of what it is to grow up and live a normal life. I think that MJ never lost his innocence that we lose whenever we become exposed to the harshness of this world. I will always remain a fan.

  22. Ehm... Michael Jackson obviously has nothing what so ever to do with Transformers, but in case you missed it, it clearly says, and I quote:

    "In an interruption of normal Transformers news".

    Don't be rude dude.

  23. Why can't the blogmaster write about what he wants to write about?

  24. Where oh where will South Park get 80% of its material now?

  25. To those of you who still fallaciously call Mike a pedophile and think you know everything about Mike (which YOU DON'T, especially YOU Selective Realism), shut up and let the man rest in peace.

    You wanna talk about pedophiles???!!!! Don't EVEN get me started on Woody Allen and how he got down with Soon-Yi - and he doesnt' catch much hell, even though Woody ACTUALLY IS GUILTY of being a pedophile, isn't he? Ask Mia Farrow about that.

    Mike, Farrah, and Ed rest in peace and may you be somewhere away from the likes of foolish idiots spreading lies on earth. Peace.
