Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New International Transformers 2 Poster

A new poster for your enjoyment. Much like with the first movie, it seems the international posters are visually the most interesting. Thanks joshuachacon7, ghola_tleilaxu, and Ian for the poster.

International Poster


  1. That is just so awesome!!
    I want that on my wall!

  2. This is actually my favorite out of all of them. Oh yeah & 1st!

  3. what i dont understand is why on most if not all the posters they only show prime and BB???? i mean on the very fisrt teaser poster we got the fallen but if u dont inhance the image u can hardly see it... but pretty good poster ...

  4. slightly better than the others. i think the teaser poster was the best one yet... these newer posters are too generic

  5. these posters suck.. they arent willing to change the motiff - bad blending of live actors and CG robots. The movie trailers look great but these poster dont have any style.

  6. how are they banged up when they are in robot mode and clean and shiny in vehicle mode?

  7. the actors look out of proportion, they are to small, even if they are small compared to the bots they would be larger because they are closer to the viewer.

  8. Optimus Prime unleashes his devastating Energon Fart Attack as an unlucky Bumblebee gets caught in the blast radius.

  9. Wasnt this poster released months ago? I've seen it before

  10. "how are they banged up when they are in robot mode and clean and shiny in vehicle mode?"

    I guess that is the unrealistic side of Transformers,but hey..Bay would spend another $10 million more if he were about to scratch some of those expensive GM,Chevy & Peterbilt vehicles,and that's wastage...

  11. great poster .. this is the best one ..

  12. This Poster is pretty cool!
    But they should have a poster with like the Twins and Ravage and Megatron and most importantly Devastatorrr!! Now that would be AWESOMMME!!

  13. Yeah for such a movie with such awesome effects, the posters all look very under-done I reckon. And yeah, mixing them together could've been done better, looks like a bad Photoshop effort.

  14. Why couldn't bay make the Transformers look as "weathered" in vehicle mode as they do in robot mode?

    That shouldn't be too difficult considering all of the other effects they're able to pull off.
