Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Paramount UK Transformers 2 Sneak Peak, Contests

For UK residents, you might want to watch Paramount UK's twitter page as they are running multiple contests to win tickets to premieres of various Paramount movies and other goodies. The most recent was a giveaway of 25 pairs of tickets for a sneak peak this Friday. In addition you can win a copy of the Transformers 2 soundtrack, a goody bag and Sonisphere Festival tickets. Click here to view the list of contests. Just remember that is probably limited to United Kingdom residents only.


  1. Thanks for the heads up.

  2. damn i won the competition, but i can't go cos i don't live mext to london

  3. i managed to win tickets to the press screening of transformers because of your heads up. Thanks so much!!

  4. Got mines aswell :D Thanks!
