Saturday, June 27, 2009

R2-D2 In Transformers 2 and Other Easter Eggs

MTV provides some Easter Eggs thanks to the folks at ILM that can be found by eagle eyed viewers. It turns out that Star Wars' R2-D2 makes an appearance, a Terminator reference and more. In addition, here is a video of Shia talking about cool things in the movie.

The Force Is With Him
"There's an R2-D2 flying around in there somewhere," revealed Scott Farrar, the film's visual-effects supervisor, who also worked on the "Star Wars" episodes "Return of the Jedi" and "The Phantom Menace." "There's a little bit of space junk thrown in there; see if you can find it. It's a scene in the desert." Interestingly enough, George Lucas' charismatic droid also had a blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameo in "Star Trek," which shares the same writing team as "Transformers." Is it a coincidence? "Perhaps," screenwriter Alex Kurtzman grinned mischievously. "Perhaps not."

Playing Footsy
Look carefully and you'll see some continuity errors involving Megan Fox's footwear. "There's a few scenes — if you look for it — my shoes always change," the actress laughed, revealing an error they discovered after shooting the film that has her character's shoes switching during various takes. "I go from wearing high heels to ballet flats. It's crazy!"

Rapper's Delight
It's no secret that Shia LaBeouf is good friends with Chris "Cage" Palko, a New York rapper the actor hopes to someday portray onscreen. Cage hung out on the "Revenge of the Fallen" set with his actor friend, and LaBeouf even talked the "Hell's Winter" rapper into filming a cameo. Look closely during one of the college scenes that has Shia's Sam Witwicky on the quad, and you'll see Cage's acting debut.

A Hair-Raising Moment
"We made history in this movie, doing an action scene that included the biggest amount of practical explosions ever in a [scene] that included actors," beamed a proud Tyrese, telling fans to watch out for the action scene that had him endangering life, limb — and many follicles. "[The scene has] all four of us in the cast — me, Shia, Megan and Josh [Duhamel] — we're all runnin', and it's [behind us] in big, beautiful slow motion. Still, to this day, I went to four different dermatologists — the hair that grew in the back of my neck has not grown back in because of this explosion. I'm a little concerned."

Hasta la Vista, Bumblebee
"I hope Michael doesn't get mad at me, but there's a T-1000 imprint on one of the Decepticons," revealed Farrar, risking the wrath of director Michael Bay while explaining a wink to the "Terminator" franchise — and one of the main summer '09 competitors to Bay's blockbuster. "[You can see] the letters T-1000 [on a robot]. We do it because we like to give a nod to the competition. It's OK; we're all friends."

That Sneaky 'Butt Cam'
Bay has spoken previously about Megan Fox's sexiness in her first "Revenge" scene, but according to the beauty, she didn't even know that the sneaky director was using a camera to shoot her from behind. "I'm bent over the bike, airbrushing the bike, and I'm wearing these really short shorts," Fox said of the scene. "I thought I was performing the scene with the camera on my face! I was playing to a camera [in front of me], but he had a multiple camera going that was on a dolly — sliding in and out from behind me. My dialogue isn't even on camera!" Grinning, she said she forgave her director's sneakiness: "I don't find it sexy. He's trying to get people in the theater. I guess he thinks it's sexy."


  1. Never have time to completely read everything - so not sure if anyone caught this one.. During the party scene - Sam's drink keep changing. First its full then it's not then it's full...

    Just got back from seeing it - loads of fun - except for the idiot next to me - who was so loud that I actually couldn't hear the ending battle.. and I saw it on IMAX...

  2. When the scenes were taking place that the Smithsonian air and space museum, Jetfire kicks down a door and it appears they are in a desert that looks like Mojave or somewhere. I thought the museum was in Washington DC....anyone know??

  3. "Anonymous said...

    When the scenes were taking place that the Smithsonian air and space museum, Jetfire kicks down a door and it appears they are in a desert that looks like Mojave or somewhere. I thought the museum was in Washington DC....anyone know??"

    Movie magic. That was the Air Force Boneyard
    in Tuscon, Arizona. I think it was done like that because it was probably easier to magically have the desert right outside the museum than to have to avoid all the humans that are in D.C. (especially the way Jetfire was acting, there was more than enough space for him to do all his antics.

    Did you also notice that the airbags didn't go off when Alice was killed but they went off when the car was dropped from Grindor/Blackout.

    And the rat trap snapper part is on the wrong side of Wheelie's leg/foot when he is opening the safe. It was in front of his leg at first then it is magically behind his leg in a different shot.

    I'm sure you can find alot of tiny mistakes if you look hard enough.

  4. Micheal bay is a pervert6/29/2009 1:34 PM

    Is anyone else now seeing that Bay is a pevert. I mean seriously he gets Isabel Lucas to wear a dress to get the job and then films her and mikelas But along with Breasts for almost the entire film segment they are in.

    As for some easter eggs:

    When Sam is shown Leo`s Website the topic section on the side shows the dates and they are the films Release dates in different places around the world. (Not sure if this is actually there i only managed to check one of the dates)

    Jetfire rips out his spark and Jolt says it needs to be transfered however instead of transfering the energy or the spark he simply attatches his cables and Jetfires parts magically fly onto Optimus.

  5. No the cables were clearly on Jetfire's parts and linked to Optimus Prime. I have been a fan since it came out in 1985 and have breifley read some of this junk and it makes me sick how all you people just make assumptions. I hope you actually watch the movie again and again and finally see what is going on. It does not take a rocket scientist to know when the camera's are rolling and turning everything gets a little bit goofy. This is just an outrageous stupid mistake on your behalf. Optimus Prime is one of the last decendents of the Primes and he is the only one who can defeat the Fallen and Megatron yes this is true, because Optimus is fighting for the good of mankind and Megatron and the Fallen are trying to destroy mankind. You people need to brush up on your Transformers facts and what not before you start making an ass out of your selves.

  6. I'm not sure if the R2-D2 easter egg is true. It looks like some guy took a picture of R2 and placed it on the shoulder of Prime. I just saw the movie and i didn't see R2 anywhere. The movie did have a lot of mistakes and easter eggs, thats for sure.

  7. It was a movie yall have way to much time on your hands to pick this shit out WOW!!! Get A Life

  8. wooow blacks cant stand them, are we allowed to post that kind of talk, i thought this was about transformers,not peoples likes and dis likes

  9. They filmed at the National Air and Space Museum next to Dulles Airport in Virginia, that was not in DC, but those planes also are right next to the Museum either

  10. THOSE OF YOU WHO THINK THEY ARE SMART ENOUGH to point out all of these minor problems, that are in EVER SINGLE FILM ever made (look at all the inconsistencies in The Departed FOR ONE EXAMPLE, which had NO CG effects and won Best Picture!!), are actually (IN REALITY) complete idiots to think that the millions who like this movie really give a f*** what some loudmouth know-nothing says.

  11. A bunch of blacks were behind you? Really? I'm sure you could have found a more discrete was to say that.

  12. i am so gay

  13. I liked the movie. I agree that someone probably to R2 and put him on the shoulder, atleast thats what it looks like to me. (SPOILER ALERT) "I didn't like the fact that Sam had the cube splinter the whole movie, and instead of bringing Optimus Prime back to life with it, he brings back Jetfire to find the Matrix and BLAHBLAHBLAH."
    Now I don't think Bay is a pervert, but what he was doing was merely trying to attract the audiences. And apparently it worked. Other than that, I think the movie was great and is worth the 10 dollars. Check it out if you get the chance.

  14. Sam really also couldnt have brought back Opitmus since he was in a hidden location somewhere in the world with the army??

  15. it was cool ben fan for years grew up watchin transformers, i thought it was cool but yea i did see lots of glitches/messups like the truck from the first one with the handscoop thatyou see go threw the bus then get destroyed completly beyond repair but if you look in backround you see him @the end witch was gay and also to see the green army jeep as a deseptacon when he was rilly an autobot in the searies so that was messed up but all an all it was good i saw it for free planes were from altus airforce base were my dad works was assome to see them in the movie.....

  16. I agree Bay is a perv. Every scene with Megan Fox running was done in slow motion. She must have had to glue her top on for the final battle scenes to keep from popping out. Not to mention her pose in the beginning when she was on the motorcycle. A bit excessive.

  17. One should note that the Smithsonian Air and Space museum has two locations one on the National Mall and one at Dulles airport. Jetfire was at the Dulles location, view him dead center:

  18. If the all spark only creates decepticons, and it is the giver of all life, doesn't that mean that the Decepticons are really the good guys. Even in the movie they say you have to choose to be an Autobot.

  19. It's just easier to tell people who don't know the area that it's the DC Metro Area then to say Fairfax or Dulles. And its easier to say DC then "DC metro area", so basically my point is to get over it Northern Virginians.

    With that said, I think people do know there is no desert within a thousand plus miles of the "DC". Epic fail for that scene. PS Shia LaBarf you suck!

  20. wow at Anonymous @11:18...

    Allspark doesnt make decepticons because thats what it does, it makes decepticons on EARTH because all modern technology was reverse engineered off of Megatron. Some of you really need to get your facts straight before spouting off waves of $hit.

    Nuff said.
    Plus R2-D2 is a bitch compared to Bender IMO...

  21. Get your facts straight, the movie sucked.

  22. i just saw the movie and wanted to know if anyone knew why the matrix is a lot bigger in the fallen's hands that it is in sam's

    and how do mikaeyla's white pants stay so clean in the desert?

  23. Actually The A&S Museum is on Dulles Airport and the Area is known as Chantilly. The Museum and the Airport now sit on what was once freed slave land and there was a town there once known as Willard.

  24. erm does anyone know what happened to the twins? i dunno if i missed something but while the twins were fighting that guy that was like 5 different vehicles they disappeared

  25. it was cool

  26. Do you have to be gay to post here?

  27. My question is about the closing credits. I just watched it on ppv and I wondered if anyone else noticed that the credits, at least on my tv, have a 3D movie effect on them. Its almost like if you were to wear some old fashioned 3D glasses something would pop out at you or the letters effected would spell a message or something. Man I wish I still had my old 3D glasses! Let me know. Thanks
