Friday, June 19, 2009

Shia, Megan Talk Transformers in Paris

While in Paris (I think) Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox appeared on television show La Grand Journal on June 12. Shia LaBeouf Video website has posted the interview with the actors which has most of the questions in French but that answers (if listen over the translator) are in English. It is hard to hear the answers but the interview is amusing as its not all 10 minutes of the usual TF2 questions since I don't think the hosts had any interest in Transformers. Especially watch the second video as Shia and Megan are having a ball making up answers. Thanks to Mauricio for the link.


  1. I'm French, I've seen this interviews and the journalist are just Bitches, they don't talk about the movie, Megan seems to be boresd of their stupid private question I hate those journalist

  2. i love shia.... he's so adorable in a geeky way.... i don't know how this happened to me!!

  3. Myself, knowing the French language. These questions, from the interviewers, were kind of awkward and sometimes not relevant. (Just boring questions)
    You can tell by Megan's Fox body language and tone in her voice, she felt out of place and embarrassed by the questions they were asking. You can see Shia making attempts to make everyone laugh at his statements, but the interviewers were clueless. That's pretty amusing IMO. I like listening to Shia's sense of humour! lol

  4. Oh God, I wish I was Shia now.

  5. My favorite part was in the first interview when the yellow chick goes "Da Machine Da Machine" and moves her arms, it just cracked me up. Silly Frenchies.
