Monday, June 22, 2009

Transformers 2 Number 1 in Japan and UK

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is off to an excellent start already making $20 million in the United Kingdom ($14.1M, 517 screens) and Japan ($5.8M, 329 sites), premiering at number 1 in both countries. According to the Hollywood Reporter, the sequel outperformed the first movie's opening weekend by 71% in the UK and 13% in Japan. Considering that Transformers 1 made $389 million in overseas sales (compared to $319.2M in the US), how well the movie does overseas is as important as the domestic sales.

Over at, they provide the same numbers but also provide context to last year’s top movie, The Dark Knight. In the UK the movie came within 3% of that movies first weekend total and in Japan it outperformed Knight by 64%. Just two more days!


  1. ops.correction pls. actually UK’s opening total is $14.1 mil, and japan is 5.8mil. you mix it up between the two.

  2. appreciate the blog trim. much nicer to my internet connection now. thanks.

  3. already have my tickets for tuesday night at 11:59pm! Doin what I can to stimulate the TF franchise.

  4. Yo i saw a bk tf2 ad on cartoonetwork.
    It had skids and mudflap transform from car to normal.
    I might post the link if i find it.

  5. Well the Japanese for some reason didn't like "The Dark Knight". While Transformers is definitely more appealing for Japanese audiences as its more playful and it doesn't take itself serious and "Transformers" aren't only American icons but have a special place in Japan for being involved so heavily in the TF franchise since the beginning of its conception.

    So while I'm not surprise it beat "The Dark Knight" in earnings this does give TF:ROTF to be one of of the top grossers in Japan. I guess we have to wait for Harry Potter until us TF can claim victory in sales.

  6. posted 3 concept art pictures of demolishor arcee and chromia

  7. It didn't top Japanese box-office:
