Sunday, June 21, 2009

Transformers: ROTF The Score on YouTube (Updated)

Update: Sadly the videos have been deleted so it looks like your going to have to hear during the movie or pick up the album at Amazon, iTunes or local store when it is released on June 23rd.

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen The Score is on MovieMakerKid14's channel. All 14 tracks are available. I am not sure how long it will last so enjoy the opportunity while you can. Personally, I have already listened to the score and while it is strong in sections, overall it just doesn't work all that well (to me) as standalone music. It probably sounds great with the movie; it is unlikely I would fire up any tracks to listen to while doing other things anytime soon. Thanks to MovieMakerKid for permission and Kenney for the reminder. Below are the links in album order.

1) Prime
2) Einstein's Wrong
4) The Shard
5) The Fallen
6) Infinite White
7) Heed Our Warning
8) The Fallen's Arrival
9) Tomb of the Primes
10) Forest Battle
11) Precious Cargo
12) Matrix of Leadership
13) I Claim Your Sun
14) I Rise, You Fall


  1. I think the first score was much more powerful,you have this sense of Heroism when listening to the first score. For me tracks that were note worthy from the 1st_
    Arrival to earth
    No sacrifice, No victory

  2. Thanks for putting it up guys! I love The Shard, NEST, and Forest Battle, but I agree, first score is better.

  3. I agree. Some of the tracks don't seem to have the same punch that the first movie had. I could easily listen to every track from the first and not get bored with it, but for this one, only a select few I really enjoyed and wanted to listen to more than once.

    Maybe once I've heard them more or heard them in the movie I'll enjoy them more since I usually prefer movie and video game OSTs more often then normal music.

  4. Just listening to it makes me so much more excited for the movie!

  5. they got deleted :(

  6. Its been taken down

  7. Damn, they already took it down.

  8. NOOOOO!!!! All tracks have been removed by the user! :'(

  9. I deleted the videos people, so don't bug me for me to download them for you, and another reason is that the score is TWO DAYS AWAY SO DON't ASK ME FOR IT BUY IT YOURSELF! Thank you have a nice day!

  10. Most of you think score tf1 is awesome due you heard it the movie and it blends well with the scene, this time around score first movie coming soon...I have the whole album score (A friend email them to me :D) very2 well done a touch of Hans Zimmer on previous movies he scored and a bit from 'The Thing'.

    2 Days 2 go (wo)Men can't wait. :)

  11. this score may be unique to the overall setting of ROTF .Ive heard samples of it at amazon but u know what ? the first TRANSFORMERS SCORE was much inspiRing than this one . IT DEFINED THE legacy of the TRANSFORMERS we knew back then in those gone G1 DAYS

  12. so if u took it down why bother putting it up u lame ...............

  13. You're not gonna remember much from the score watching this Transfomers because there's so much going on,this TF movie is pretty bad-ass! you gotta watch this bad boy a coupla times before you actually remember which tracks went where,meh, maybe when i watch it again ill remember more, but uptill now it hasnt done much for me.

  14. yo you can find this on a torrent website.
