Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Transformers Tracking For Huge First Week

According to Deadline Hollywood, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is tracking so well that it is entirely feasible that it could make as high as $175 million on its opening five-day week.
Paramount is gonna call me screaming any moment. But rival studios are telling me they expect Transformers 2: Revenge Of The Fallen to open with a high of $175M for its 5-day opening from Wednesday, June 24 to Sunday, June 28. Because the sequel came onto tracking HUGE today. Paramount will try to lower expectations. But here's what can't be argued: Spider-Man 2 opened on Wednesday, June 30, 2004, and did $152 million for its first 5 days. So Transformers 2 feels like at least it should be in the $160+M range.
Why would Paramount want lower expectations? The main reason is to shoot for good press. The first weekend box office results will either lead with Transformers exceeded or failed to meet expectation. Obviousily the studio wants to encourage the more positive story and the best way to do that is low ball their expectations. Thanks to Jace for the link.


  1. We all know this film is gonna be sick. The first one wasn't expected to be that good cuz it was based off a cheesy cartoon but now we know the sequal will be good cuz the first film was really wicked! It may even be out until the middle of September. Last time, I got to see the first film for the seventh time on my birthday which is the 1st of September and it came out on DVD the end of October. They kept the same actors, they kept the same writers, they kept the same director. I think this movie will be very enjoyable.

  2. Hi, I am from Poland, and i just learnt, that RotF we will propably only get dubbing version of this movie, with SUCKS :/ Some fans consider not going to cinema, and just wait for the DVD... Srlsy, Opimus Prime without Peter Cullen voice? Damn it.

  3. Ok, false alarm. We're (Poland) going to have subtitles after all ^^

  4. Good word of mouth will help with film too. You're either a fan of the franchise and are excited about the release and have been waiting for it since filming began last June (..like me! xD) Or you're a casual fan whose interested in seeing the sequel.

    I dunno how the critics will react to this film but I hope it doesn't have the Terminator Salvation effect. I've still not seen TS but I think this movie will OWN the summer...until Harry Potter at any rate! lol

  5. The critics for the first one weren´t good either, but it rocked the Boxoffice. The transformers DVD is ranked as the 6 best selled dvd.

  6. Having been to Bot-con, you could tell with so many families and hardcore fans putting down TONS of money that this franchise is going to explode. It appeals to young and old, male and female, and the large range of characters are all pretty badass with much cooler style and character, which is what people want. This is probably the biggest PR rollout of TF excitement I've ever seen. So it's nice to be modest about projected weekend theater profits, but judging from the excitement I've seen so far, this IS the ONE MOVIE lots of people are waiting for.

    I hate to say it, but Optimus Prime and Bumblebee ARE household names. Once you get to that level, you know this is going to be BIG.

  7. Ok i found 2 brand new rotf posters check them out Here.



    This is before TFW2005, Siebertron, Allspark and so on :) Please notify them soon aswell.

  8. Oh i am going to repeat my last post incase it gets lost again.

    Two Brand New ROTF POSTERS



    Hope you like them :)
