Friday, June 19, 2009

TV Spot #20

Another new TV spot, #20, has hit the airwaves. Consider it a spoiler warning as its essentially the entire sequence of Sideswipe's entry at the expense of another character. Thanks to Thomas and djbigtymebeats for the HD link and Mauricio for the embed below.

TV Spot #20


  1. Luis Cotovio6/19/2009 6:08 AM

    This is awesome. Sideswipe is fast, sleek and totally badass. The detail of him actually throwing his blades into Sideways in
    Hope this guy gets more airtime than reports have been giving him. If not he may become the most underused awesome caracter of all time.

  2. yeah,he actually throw his blade(right arm blade) to sideways and when he spins he just lock his right arm back again to the blade he thrown and cuts sideways to half.

  3. another dead they really get revenge or is just a crappy title..all this promo posters, websites etc. is more about Autobots than Decepticons.

  4. All I have to say is: HOLY CRAP! If just 20 seconds of the movie is that awesome, I can't wait to see the other 2 hours plus!!!! Counting down the days!

  5. Calm down geez.... did the fact that are more decepticons in the movie not tell you that they are going to die more?

  6. SideswipeFanatic6/19/2009 11:36 AM

    LOVE IT!!!!! i can't wait to see sideswipe in more action when i see this


  7. I was thinking about the same...

    What about the decepticons...? Are they any dangerous at all or do the autobots just go and kick their asses...?

    If Megatron, The Fallen and even Devastator working all together can´t defeat a bunch of autobots and some US soldiers, why bother making a third movie...? Are they planning to bring Unicron in the third movie so some human hackers can deactivate him with some virus or some easy bullshit like that...?

    I really like the first movie and I´m really excited about ROTF, but I thought that Decepticons would have the role they always had, that one of undestructible enemies to which humans can do any harm at all...

    Next week, all questions will be answered...

  8. i wish for at least one movie where the bad guys will win. that would be totally epic.

  9. i like those little "wings" on the back of sideswipe. they look awesome when he's flexing them.

  10. so what's the point of seeing the movie if we have all these tv spots?

  11. uuuuggghhh uggh hhhh ...thats my eye think sideswipe shoots blades correct?--was it really his right arm blabe he threw?

  12. nvmd--its his blade?

  13. how the hell he transformed while drifting n chasing sideways? thats amazing

  14. so short screen time for sideways........ i think the best title is not revenge but under

  15. sideswipe is like ninja or part of power ranger getting some acrobatic stunts......... wtf..... with matching blades......... thats cool

  16. cool roller blades for sideswipe like just playing around
