Friday, June 12, 2009

TV Spots #9 and #10

Two new TV spots premiered in the last two days, one is a 15 second spot (#10) and the other a 30 second (#9). The HD version has not officially been released so no titles. Spot #9 shows more kick-ass moments from the forest fight and has some scenes where the footage space shifted from rectangle to square (Devastator and forest fight), perhaps suggesting scenes shot on IMAX 70mm? As for #10, Tyrese finally gets a line in the commercials. Thanks to Mauricio for the links.

TV Spot #9 (click here for HD)

TV Spot #10 (click here for HD)


  1. omg i nearly peed myself...:D

  2. Holy crap! This is wicked! I can't believe my mom just bought us tickets to a 10 o'clock IMAX showing of it on Jun 26.

  3. that megatron tackle got me so pumped up i wanted to do it on mygf when she came into the room

  4. would love if someone could freeze frame that shot of optimus with his gun pointing at the screen...looks like classic G-1 optimus, face guard, gun and all...awesome...cant wait..

  5. not sure if they are old or new but on Bay's site he has like 4 or 5 new tv spots linked.

  6. Theres 2 more TV spots that haven't been posted to youtube yet...

    There's one that at the end Sams mom says "I don't want an alien robot living in my garage" and bumblebee smacks his head like "DO'H!" and the house is seem smoldering ...

    and the other one is at the end they show Wheelie saying "What are you looking at slobber puss"

  7. Lets try to lay down some whoop ass!!

  8. Oh i give up i cant keep this hidden forever :)

    That is the link to the Demolisher clip in English. All credit to me :P

  9. That shot with Prime's gun is just unreal. Oh thanks Scorpio. All hail you as per usual, you're the man, etc etc, we get it.
