Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two ROTF Scenes in German (Update 2)

Below are two clips from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen that show NEST hunting for Demolisher and Wheelie. The clips are in German but it’s a Michael Bay film so words are not as important as the visuals anyway. To view the clips on from their German websites click here and here. Thanks to Sven, snortpocket, Paul Des and everyone else that sent in the links.

Update: From the comments, here is an english translation of the Wheelie scene.
Mikaela:"I cant believe you dumped me on our first Webcam date."
Sam:"Speed reading...I'm having a nervous breakdown...I´m now seeing this symbols since..."
Mikaela:"Since when?"
Sam:"Since I touched the cube you still have it?"
Mikaela:"Of course it is in our safe, everythings fine."
Sam:"M..Mikaela you will not touch it Ok? Dont touch it."
Mikaela:"I will not touch it..Sam it is locked in the Safe in the garage nobody knows where it is."

Wheelie:"I are hot but not very smart...come on...thats fine,that will work..AAH...this damn douchebag."
Wheelie to the dog:"What are you looking at dogface?!..what the?..this place is an absolute nightmare..pain..thath hurts...oh god.."
Mikaela noticing wheelie
Mikaela:"One second.."
Wheelie:"That..hurts...that was the Five aaannd *does the weird noise.*and click."
Gets captured by Mikaela
Wheelie:"Thats all you got?!"
Mikaela:"What do you want here you little freak!"
Wheelie:"Thats my eye you dopey cow!! Easy Wargoddess,I´m just a small scrapmetal drone."
Mikaela:"And I´m your worst nightmare."
Update 2: From the comments, click here for the Wheelie click in english with Japanese subtitles.


  1. Wheelie is soooooooooooo funny !!
    I love it !! <3

  2. MrMississippi6/10/2009 3:20 PM

    first!!!!!man why did i watch these not watching anymore i can wait two weeks...and the special effects look great...good that these scene really didnt spoil anything

  3. wheelie was hilarious! demolisher is kinda terrifying in a way. cant wait to see this movie.

  4. this Demolishor scene will be awesome:D nice start for the movie:D

  5. i wonder if wheelie is speaking in cybertronian like frenzy did or in plain english

  6. im pretty sure he speaks english if he turns into a good guy, and his speech is dubbed

  7. i smell a full length leak coming on....

  8. This makes me feel a lot better than that tokyo preview report that guy made. Now I am excited to see this movie again. :)

  9. The translations for both clips are on tfw2005. too lazy to post the link lol

  10. My German is a little bit rusty but this is gist of what they're saying. This first video, Mikaela is asking why Sam can't talk over web cam. Then Sam asks about something, I can't make out what, and whether it is safe or not. Mikaela says it is safe. Then, the bot is trying to break in to said safe, Mikaela picks him up and asks why he's here.

    The second one is simple: Lennox is getting the troops ready for their op (probably a black op) in China. The soldier asks, "What is that?" and then the transformer transforms.

    I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure that's what they said.

  11. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    well, Mikaela is pissed because she and Sam had a webcam date and he forgot about it... then Sam tells her that he sees symbols since he touched a fragment from the allspark and he asks Mikaela if it's still in the safe. Mikaela tells him that it's still there and Sam tells Mikaela not to touch it.
    Then that little robot is at Mikaelas place and he says (about Mikaela): "you're hot, but not very clever" *lol*
    well, then the robot steps into those mouse traps and keeps whining because that hurts (sure )
    He tries to open the safe but Mikaela grabs him and says: "what do you want here, you little freak?"
    And the robot says: "ouch! that's my eye you stupid bitch! Take it easy warrior goddess, I'm only a little junk drone!"
    And Mikaela says: "shut up, I'm your worst nightmare!"

    well, that's all

  12. well, Wheelie speaking to "itself" is character development I think ^^

  13. achtung ! The german robots attack ! Yes, Demolishor is big and bad

  14. WOW, this opening will be alot better than the Blackout bomb/tremmor(sp?) soccent attack ^^

  15. if this movie will not make me cring and dancing after i see it like the first one did ..
    i will kill myself ):

  16. Sam:"Hello,Mikaela?"
    Mikaela:"I cant believe you dumped me on our first Webcam date."
    Sam:"Speed reading...I had a nerve collapse...I´m now seeing this symbols since..."

    Mikaela:"Since when?"
    Sam:"Since I touched the cube you still have it?"
    Mikaela:"Of course he is in our safe everythings fine."
    Sam:"M..Mikaela you will not touch it Ok?Dont touch it."
    Mikaela:"I will not touch it..Sam it is locked in the Safe in the garage nobody knows where it is."
    Wheelie:"I are hot but not very smart...come on...thats fine,that will work..AAH...this damn douchebag."

    Wheelie to the dog:"What are you looking at dogface?!..what the?..this place is an absolute nightmare..pain..thath hurts...oh god.."

    Mikaela noticing wheelie

    Mikaela:"One second.."
    Wheelie:"That..hurts...that was the Five aaannd *does the weird noise.*and click."
    Gets captured by Mikaela
    Wheelie:"Thats all you got?!"
    Mikaela:"What do you want here you little freak!"
    Wheelie:"Thats my eye you dopey cow!! Easy Wargoddess,I´m just a small scrapmetal drone."
    Mikaela:"And I´m your worst nightmare."

  17. there is a new tv spot that is bout less than 30 seconds with two new shots not seen yet one is with "tech sgt epps sayin time to whoop some ass" and the other is with "optimus prime shooting one of his guns in slow motion showing the bullett in slow motion as well" it looks pretty sweet dont know where to find it tho..

  18. hey AD guy stop acting like this movie is going to suck...its going to kick so much ass!!! and if it turns out you dont like it.....IM GONNY HUNT YOU DOWN AND KILL YOU AND ALL OF THEM STUPID MUTHER FUCKING G1 WHINNERS AND KILL YOUR SORRY ASS'S!!!!!........ok?

  19. ok :) im fine know thanks
    when you love something you wont it perfect
    that why iam afraid
    i wont this movie be the best of the best

  20. I tried so hard not to watch these clips.... but it only took two hours until I gave in. I'm so excited to see this movie!

  21. There is no way the douchebag thing is real, or is going to be.


  22. Does that mean that Sam and Mikaela arent Girlfriend and Boyfriend?? Thats STUPID. someone ANSWER ME!!

    english version (Japanese site)

  24. YAY! Wheelie doesn't have a stupid rhyme-voice-thingie. :D Only a few days left! GODDAMNIT.

  25. OMG that Is soo funny! It's way funnier in English. Is it just me or is Wheelie doing Skids Mudflap and Wheelie coz i could hear Spongebob's voice in him. If it's him, that would be like the first time ive ever heard him Swear lol.

  26. wait... did wheelie just say th F word? WTF thats awsome!

  27. wheelie seems very fond of the word bitch :DDD

  28. the english wheelie voice sounds me just like wayne cramp from The cramp twins. the voice actor is Tom Kenny and hi has a role in the tf animated series. Could be he?
    Sorry for the bad english, i am from bulgariq

  29. I feel sorry for wheelie if i were mikela I whould have talk to him first not throw him in there like a poacher! Besides Wheelie never wanted to be evil hes just pretending because he doesnt wana be ounished again! But I think Mikalea soon eases up on him and trys to talk to him instead.

  30. OMG wheelie said the F word!

  31. ironhide2011
    that is funny stuff in english version LOL

  32. MrMississippi6/11/2009 12:26 PM

    lol Bay got these transformers cursing lol...kinda funny when yall found out Soundwave wasnt transforming yall started bashing the movie...but now yall back on the bandwagon when these clips got posted...make up your minds people

  33. I don't think he said the F word.... I'm pretty sure he said "Fricken" or "Freakin"... but not the F word.

  34. Hey! If you watch the clip in English, then you'll notice that Wheelie is Tom Kenny's character! Nice!

  35. He said the f word we all heared it out

  36. i thought he sounded a tad bit like Joe Pesci
