Friday, February 26, 2010

Bay Teases New Characters, Twists and 3D for TF3

While appearing on Starz' "In the House" last night, the director Michael Bay teased his plans for Transformer 3, why he decided to forego his planned year break from the franchise and confirms that the movie will be in 3D. From MTV:
"The true story is we went to Vegas to celebrate ['Revenge of the Fallen'] crossing the $400 million mark domestic. I said I'm excited to do my small little movie. They said, well we're here to talk about that. I've become friends with these guys that run Paramount and they [told me,] 'We're going to get fired if we don't have a 2011 franchise,' so I'm like you can't let these guys down."

"The economy's been so rough, it's kind of important. When you say yes to movie like this you automatically give 3000 people jobs. 1000 for the toys. 2000 for the filmmaking. I'm going to put [the small film] on hold and do it right after ['Transformers 3']."

"You can't just rehash the old," he explained. "We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists."

Of course, it wouldn't be a chat about an upcoming effects-heavy blockbuster without some discussion of 3-D. Anyone who doesn't think "Avatar" changed the game needs to pay more attention: everyone's been talking about it, considering it, putting plans into action, Bay included.

"It's a process we're testing with some 'Transformers' scenes," he said. "How successful it is with my movie in terms of a lot of real stuff coming out of the frame, real dirt, real complicated little particles coming towards the lens, because hopefully that process will work. I've seen some tests that look great on other movies. I just want to see how it looks on my footage."


  1. i really hope they´re doing the movie right in form of story and the 3d-effect, which i think is not very good for a shaky-cam-movie like transformers. but i will watch it nonetheless and i´m looking forward to february of 2011, when the teaser trailer is released!;)

  2. Fuck 3D, fuck Avatar! Fuck ignorant Paramount!
    Blackmailing Bay if it's not 3D, you get fired. Fuck that!
    Bay himself said his filming is to agressive for 3D, 3D is a gimmick.

    I am gonna watch it several times in the cinema, but not in 3D. I hope everone will, so the 3D version will fail bigtime.

    Anywho, can't wait for the news what characters we're gonna get. Fingers crossed for Superion!!!


  3. I do think that the 3D idea is pretty bad, and to blackmail Bay to do it otherwise he'll get fired is not right. Paramount are lucky to have the Transformers franchise, I don't think they would really like to loose Bay.

  4. Seriously 3-D I can barely keep track of what's on screen already. Besides the focus should be on the plot instead of something that even Michael himself called a gimmick. Or at least I would hope so after the loads of backlash it got last time.

  5. Folks, calm down. You always had the option of watching Avatar in 2D, the same with TF3 *IF* the 3D option is available. If you're looking at ticket cost, the ticket price difference for 3D Avatar vs. the 2D Avatar wasn't much. And let's face it, if it doesn't work out, not a big deal.

    I'd say 3D is just mere toppings on the icing of a big cake. In the grand scheme of things, if you don't have 3D, who's really going to care? There's already a wealth of action movies that don't have 3D, so not really gonna worry about it. :)

  6. Paramount managers are just fools. They are going to ruin the franchise. They think forcing Michael Bay to use 3D cameras just to have expensive tickets at box office is going to give them higher profits out of it... Avatar worked only thanks to the mass hysteria caused by marketing with paid positive reviews and so on .. they spent more than $800million overall and mostly on marketing... 20th Century Fox is not getting that much out of Avatar despite what people think.. the real profit it's very low although the box office gross it's huge above $2billion.
    Paramount managers don't have a clue about what they are doing.
    ILM will have some serious issues to ensure the proper and absolutely needed detail for all the complex CGI on Transformers3 .. they barely managed to finish Transformers2 CGI on time to meet release date just because some shots were in IMAX...
    At least out of this mess I hope Michael Bay will do his best trying to fix Paramount managers insanity and show the world that he can adapt his style to a proper 3D use...
    If this 3D thing has to happen I want Michael Bay to show us objects really coming out of the screen... weapons... robots.. robots arms.. bullets, lasers... and so on... they must look as much solid as the technology allows and not pathetic fake 3D like on that garbage that Avatar really is about.
    And please .. if ILM can't manage to deliver and ultra-detailed fully rendered CGI for Transformers3 .. then postpone the movie.. do whatever it takes to force those Paramount managers nuts to postpone it.. because Transformers3 will never ever get a multiple series of positive reviews simply because Paramount won't pay so called professional reviewers to write good things and anyway the competition would pay more to have them write negative things.. so...
    Transformers3 can only work if the CGI is outstanding, ultra-detailed and it must look absolutely realistic, no less than that on Transformers2. No cartoonish fake CGI like that on Avatar. Transformers movies going cartoonish would mean the franchise would sink and the movie would bomb.

  7. Wow... you guys missed the point of that story completely.... Nowhere in there did Bay say Paramount told him if he didn't have 3D in the movie he was fired. They said They had to have a big movie for 2011, (and apparently nothing else is scheduled) and if they don't have something they're going to have to let people go (you know, it's a business, they have to stay profitable to keep employees, and if they don't have a big movie, they don't have profit.)

    As for putting the 3D in there, nowhere did they say that 3D == CGI, nor did they say it would look like Avatar. The only thing that was said was that Avatar showed how much more amazing a movie can be with 3D, and that more and more directors are considering it.

    Learn to read and comprehend an article before you lose your cool over it, people.

  8. i seriously think those paramount fools should rethink about the release date. It's too freaking close! Why rush everyone in production and post production just to see profits coming to them as soon as possible?

    I strongly think that TF3 will not do well, if that's the case. Still, i'm giving Michael Bay another chance. REALLY hope you can prove us disappointed fans wrong and produce a high quality piece of work!

    Good luck!

  9. Oh I just wanted to add that I picked up an EZ Devastator at Walmart today for only $32! I am sooo happy! He's so cute!

  10. seriously, i´m so happy right now. at first i was reading "we´re adding a lot of TWINS". thank god he was really talking about TWISTS..... ;)

  11. its not the question 2d or 3d real transformers fan should be concerned about... but rather if Bay would be able to present a decent, acceptable script and not make the transformers franchise to become a joke... losing its originality and make us all lose our interest

  12. @Anonymous 2/27/2010 2:17 AM: If Transformers3 ever turned into anything so fake an cartoonish like Avatar then that would cause the franchise to become a joke. Transformers2 had production issues but it's still a pretty good movie despite its hiccups and the CGI is the best ever created to date, despite the mafia and tons of retarded people worldwide claiming that the cartoonish Avatar would be the best.... yeah, sure.. in their poor brains.

  13. would you guys stop sayingb that avatar is a cartoonish and stupid movie? transformers had great cgi and awesome action, but as a whole avatar was a way better movie. and the style of the cgi in avatar fits right in this movie. they are both excellent at what they´re doing!

  14. @"Anonymous 2/27/2010 5:40 AM"--Avatar is not a better movie, the CGI on Avatar is cartoonish, the 3D useless and barely noticed with no real 3D effects, and plot and characters wise it's a silly pathetic little kids fairy tale with no soul at all. CGI wise the Na'vi animation on Avatar is awful, they look and move like puppets and everything else including animals, plants, weapons .. everything looks so fake.. It's nice for a cartoon, if it was a cartoon on CGI but the problem is that it's sold as the best sci-fi movie ever created while it's just the worst movie by James Cameron! Aliens, Terminator .. those were real outstanding sci-fi movies and they still look very realistic and not outdated at all, much better than Avatar for sure.
    Transformers3 should be like Avatar? Yeah, to kill the franchise because Paramount doesn't have the marketing machine needed to pay all reviewers with bribes to get positive reviews on a sloppy work like they did with Avatar.

  15. Indeed! Avatar was one big videogame, the 3D in Avatar was a big waste of time and money. The cgi on TF is way, way better than Avatar.

    @LionBoogy: Everybody knows Michael is a fast pace director, but 1 year just isn't enough time to do TF3 in 3D. Like someone above: it's too freakin close. It will go at cost of the quality of the movie. Fingers crossed.

    @anon 2/26/2010 11.11PM: You're right, but they ALLREADY have a 2011 franchise with Transformers 3!!!!! It doesn't have to be 3D!!! Transformers fans all over the world will go several times to the cinema for it!!!

    What I said before, what the fuck is up with what Michael Bay said earlier "my style is(way)to agressive for 3D"!


  16. PSofosNextGen2/27/2010 12:06 PM

    Things changes inside industry every minute ! i cannot blame Bat for this but i will blamed him if TF3 will be a failure !! but . . . We must be in 3D in order to win the race . . . but good 3D like Avatar ! 3D will be an option i believe because only in 3D will be a total mess out there )) As well as very very strong advertising from Paramount worldwide i mean not only domestically would help to raise TF3 more over 400 millions domestically though ))

  17. Oh no, I totally agree that 3D is just too much time to produce with Micheal's hectic and fast-paced cost-cutting methods. But who knows, technology has now caught up and will be even better for 2010 through 2011, so really, you never know.

    I actually still believe Transformers in Michael Bay-style really needs to be kept in 2D. Something about it just really speaks to me as something best seen in that fashion.

  18. I am not saying that 3D is bad, but the fact that they are trying to make Michael do it.

    He should be able to say yes or no.

  19. "Fuck 3D, fuck Avatar! Fuck ignorant Paramount!
    Blackmailing Bay if it's not 3D, you get fired. Fuck that!
    Bay himself said his filming is to agressive for 3D, 3D is a gimmick.

    I am gonna watch it several times in the cinema, but not in 3D. I hope everone will, so the 3D version will fail bigtime."

    totally agree on that. movies are supposed to be made in 2d. i hate this 3d hype generated by avatar. hope it will die off soon.

  20. i hope wheeljack appers in the movie and doesnt get killed off like jazz or ridiculed by haters like the twins did.

  21. i'll be fair...avatar was ground breaking in the technology; the new cameras, screen he was using to film, and the implimentation of 3d. not the cgi, we've seen it done better (jurassic park, discrict 9). the story was a repeat, pocohontas, titanic, avater...all have the same plot & rise and fall.

    to make TF3 amazing, they'll have to do film the whole thing in IMAX. 2.5 hours long with 2 major plots intertwining at the end. epic robot battles, a better balance of human/robot screen time (i found shia/megan/spanish guys time with the twins and bumble bee was good). a tad less military involvement, more robot fights. explosions! and he could throw in some bikini models, or car girls for the autobots? and if they make it 3d, so what? they'll do a 2d version too. so i dunno what people are crying about. the release date is to earily. they should have an estimated date instead; i mean, bay was rushing to wrap up the post-production for tf2.

  22. I wonder, if TF3 will be in 3D, will Paramount and Dreamworks rerelease the first two movies so as to:

    A. Give fans a chance to go back and see the first two movies in 3D
    B. To get people excited for the third film.

  23. From the way I see it Michael bay has a giant mountain to climb and this time as people finally started finally finding out t2 was very poorly made. and right now the way I see it t3 is headed in the same direction only about a year of total production time and now hinting at 3d there just isn't enough time devoted to make this a good movie maybe Im wrong in fact I hope I am but hasbro is turning this into a money machine they don't care as long as the bank keeps coming in. As for avatar I thought it was a good movie not super award winning but good people just got carried away with the effects even though they were in my opinion groundbreaking. The the cg. War going on is dumb they were both equally good especially if bay had not included a whole bunch of in your face shots so as to see what was actually going on. And the plot really guys what was the plot for t1 and t2? Find something bring it somewhere and use it on someone. And check to see how many plot whole there are. no "haters" please
