Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Transformers: ROTF Recieves Only One Oscar Nomination

This morning the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced its official list of nominations for the 82nd Academy Awards. The goal - to win the coveted Oscar, which indicates the winners produced the best work in their field for 2009 and of course get to add that line "Oscar winning..." to their resumes from now on.

The Academy gives out a lot of awards with only the prime categories being award live on ABC Sunday, March 7th, 2010. Sadly Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was shut out in all categories except for Sound Mixing. I really thought they were going to get nods also for Sound Editing and Visual Effects. Instead the FX nod is for Star Trek, District 9, and Avatar (which has the easy win here). Click here for the full list of nominees in the various categories.

Sound Mixing
“Avatar” Christopher Boyes, Gary Summers, Andy Nelson and Tony Johnson
“The Hurt Locker” Paul N.J. Ottosson and Ray Beckett
“Inglourious Basterds” Michael Minkler, Tony Lamberti and Mark Ulano
“Star Trek” Anna Behlmer, Andy Nelson and Peter J. Devlin
“Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” Greg P. Russell, Gary Summers and Geoffrey Patterson


  1. What the Heck? No visual effect nomination? There must be something really wrong with the academy. Star Trek and District 9 were simple visual to animate(although I enjoyed both movies).This is unbelievable I'm speechless...they must really hate M.Bay.

  2. how the fuck did it not get it for VFX!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????

  3. well...i guess the movie does deserve 1-2 more nominations in vfx and sound editing....but on the other hand, they screwed up so bad with the movie compared to the first one, they really don't deserve one nomination...i still wonder how you could screw up such an easy thing to do (screenplay-wise)!

  4. This is a case where poor critical reviews hurt the movie. Most of the Oscar voters didn't see the film and hearing that it wasn't very good influenced their decision. Star Trek likely got nods that should have rightly gone to TROTF.

  5. James Avery confirms hes the voice of Silverbolt in TF3!


  6. the fact, that devastator blew up ilm´s renderfarm, because of it´s complexity deserves a nomination! fuck the academy!!!

  7. I agree, like the person in the last comment said, it fried their renderfram at ILM! I thought the effects were really well done. It shouldn't matter how much critics hated the story, or even some people who just didn't like it. If it has good effects than i think it should be up there cuz the Transformers look amazing in this movie. Props to ILM for their work. Avatar had 500 million for their movie! I am not bashing Avatar but Revenge Of The Fallen had 200 million, so i think they did a good job with what they did. Even though we know Avatar is most likely gonna win, it still should have been up there.

    To RY: James Avery/Uncle Phil from Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air is voicing an Autobot in Transformers 3!?!?!?!? Ahhhhh i hope that's true, cuz he is awesome!!! The reason i feel this might be true, is he does do a lot of voice work for cartoons. He was the voice of Shredder in the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtels cartoons.

  8. Avatar CGI is awful, it's good for a videogame or a 3D cartoon but it's pathetic for live action, a very bad work. Not realistic at all.
    The $500million budget of Avatar was such a scam. If it wasn't for the marketing madness that worked Avatar would have bombed as it deserved. A childish patethic story, pathetic acting and low quality CGI absolutely not good for live action, aliens look like puppets and move like puppets, even trees and flowers and everything on Pandora looks so fake.

    Transformers2 ROTF and District9 are the ones featuring the best CGI ever created to date.
    Not Avatar for sure!

  9. I have seen some times these oscar awards parties, but one thing I would like to ask you guys what are these oscar awards? What is the history of these oscar awards? The oscar awards given to people is made of what?

  10. It appears to me that they did that on purpose so Avatar could "rightfully" and easily win best VFX.

    Star Trek and D9 are some of my favorite films but really, Star Trek has good and well used efects but nothing that outstanding; D9 has better and more outstanding effects but I don´t see it competing with Avatar: highest grossing movie, "impressive" 3D movie, made by JC "master & legend" of great visual effects movies, bla, bla, bla. ROTF was the only film that could compete with Avatar in terms of the scale of VFX.

    Personally my favorites were D9 and ROTF, mostly because I'm more impressed when they can integrate VFX with the real world, that something they create and control completely in the computer (and that has been done before but on smaller scale). Now only D9 is left for me but well, I know how this will end.
