Sunday, March 07, 2010

Transformers 3 Casting Begun?

From there are indications that Transformers 3 may have begun the casting process or at least the costume department is in full swing. This is based on two emails the site received looking for "athletic military guys who are around 6'-6'' & 185-200lbs & ages 18-35. ...The work will basically be still photos in wardrobe for director review." The second email also indicated costumes are being constructed for "Iranian military guys". As far as story beats, not much to go on as a military element is no surprise but it does sound like the Transformers might once again visit the Middle East as they did for the first two films. To read the full details, click here.


  1. "athletic military guys who are around 6'-6'' & 185-200lbs & ages 18-35"

    I'm 23, but that's the requirement I could fit LOL

    Anywy, cheers and good luck to anyone who gets the role!

    But while I like Bay's desert scenes, hope Bay does like ARMAGEDDON and shoot a battle scene in deep space...

  2. I have a feeling that depsite comments to the contrary this film will be strikingly similar in tone to Transformers and Transformers:Revenge of the fallen. I expect a plot thinly veiled as a story which ultimately serves only to allow Bay to orchestrate eye-candy action sequences.

  3. its better to make a war scene in a desert than destroy a hole city.its costs less i think

  4. @Ray: it surely can't be a movie with a bunch of Transformers taking tea with humans, talking and talking and talking in a room with no action... Maybe talking about philosophy issues of Cybertron and Earth and life and so on...
    It seems some people really expect something so dumb and pathetic to ever happen with a Transformers movie.. if that would happen it wouldn't true to the franchise anymore and it would just be pure garbage.
