Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Transformers 3 or W4C Concept Art?

Concept art for Transformers has recently hit the web from Transformers video game concept artist Frankell Baramdyka. The images seems to show of various new Cybertron locations and new characters that seems based on the movie art style but could also fit what we have seen so far for Transformers: War for Cybertron video game.

The images initially showed up on Baramdyka's blog (now removed), and spread to various sites including TFW2005 (for images on this post), io9.com and Shogun Gamer.

Another theory, advocated by io9, is that the artist was hired to begin work on the video game version of Transformers 3. That would suggest scenes from Cybertron, not out of the question considering the recent comment from Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner saying the movie would return to "core mythology". Thanks to Avatar, visiting strange new worlds is no longer a bad thing to studios. Still expensive though.

I am leaning to thinking this was War For Cybertron art and not for the movie but its going to be a while before we know for sure. Thanks to Gregory for the link and images. Also to Katie for her link.

Update: Had to remove images per DCMA request from somebody, I assume Paramount or Activision. Can't say who exactly because notified via google. Anyway, if had doubts about the legitimacy of the images, there are none now.


  1. If you look at the Junkion crash picture you see a robot coming out of the ship it looks like Movie Optimus Prime so I think that it might be movie but then again... some are from one and some from the other but what ever that one is the Wreck-Gar looking one is too

  2. i think its for the w4c-game, because i dont think that michael bay would put robots in his movie that looks alot like the terminator salvation bikes.....

  3. Junkions? Decepticon ship? Sounds like some odd remake of the 80s movie... Or you go there in the game! It would be awesome seeing wreck gar

  4. The Protoforms look like they could be for the custom transformers you can make in W4C so that could work because bay never put in protoforms that aren't in cocoons...

  5. Nah, thats Ultra MAgnus coming out of the shuttle and to the right you will see Daniel Witwicky in his exo skeleton suit. The picture is on the planet Junkion! OH NOOOOOOO, the third movie is going to be a scene for scene remake of the cartoon movie! NOOOOO ROFLMFAO

  6. I reacon the blue robot ain't a protoform. It's Kranix.

  7. dude look most of the pictures ine Jungle planet have Optimus Prime from the TF movie UNiverse, SO It must be art sketchs for TF3

    why would the War of cybatron be on other planets such as Lithos or the Jungle Planet, makes no sense, So it must be for the TF3 movie

  8. SelectiveRealism3/10/2010 6:19 AM

    Let's hope they aren't searching the galaxy for Planet Keys.

  9. Adam@

    You do see, that he (Optimus) is just photo shoped there, and anyone could do this...?

    Oh, and "why would TF3 be on other planets such as Lithos or the Jungle Planet, makes no sense, So it must be for the whatever the hell it is".

    And yes, i do know that WFC will be only on Cybertron, but that's not the point.

  10. Adam@

    You do see, that he (Optimus) is just photo shoped there, and anyone could do this...?

    Oh, and "why would TF3 be on other planets such as Lithos or the Jungle Planet, makes no sense, So it must be for the whatever the hell it is".

    And yes, i do know that WFC will be only on Cybertron, but that's not the point.

  11. I know that this is a Transformer blog, but that motorcycle bot would make a sweet Cy-Kill.

  12. Its unlikely that this is for TF3 as i dont see Bay putting Sam into Space to introduce him to the Junkions or other planets such as Lithos or the Jungle planet. Although its possible the Junkion art could be for the film along with the Spaceship design (Nemesis) it is unlikely they would be used.

    The Protoform look is very symplistic and screams out large scale crowd and Game material.

    Seems to me all the art is for the game although it would be nice to see the Junkions and/or Wreck Gar.

    P.s. With the way the current movies are would anyone mind if Transformers 3 was a live action version of the 1980`s film. Wouldnt you want to see Unicron? Surely Bay cant mess up the 1980`s film, or can he :P

  13. I still reacon it's Ultra Magnus.

  14. THEY ARE REAL. Yesturday, someone created a thread about this on the official Michael Bay website website. Guess what? Today, that thread is GONE. Vanished into fin air.

    And I should know, because I posted in that thread and it was my very first post on that website. I just went to the site now to check my post history, and lo and behold, apparently I haven't posted anyhting. I've gone back to 0 posts.

    Why would ALL mentions of the thread be removed from the Michael Bay website if they were fake? There's still a thread over there about the fake script.

  15. i think its war for cybertron because if you go on tfw2005, it says ....
    EDIT: Images removed at the request of Hasbro/Activision representatives.
    now theres a clue!

  16. To anonymous 3/10/2010 1:31 PM
    I saw the same thing. I created a thread on there this morning asking what happened to the other thread and that thread disappeared three hours later.
    Sorry it was your first post. What happened with the thread is not a common occurence.

  17. @"Anonymous 3/10/2010 3:54 PM"--It's all part of a viral marketing campaign. Who do you guys think spread on the 'net concept arts and scripts if not the production people themselves?
    The tactic is quite clear as much as naive but it still confuses people nowadays despite practically every blockbuster movie production is using doing more or less the same...
    The fact that they are not removing "the fake" script proves nothing. It might be just an early draft, a lot might change like it did with the Transformers2 one which was officially marked as a legit but discarded early script.
    No one other than those involved with the production really know the plot and what is real or fake but don't think that they would be wasting their time to spread mostly fake stuff and info because that is not how viral marketing works... They need to know what people worldwide think about what it's made public, it's the best way to do a survey worldwide for free... think about it because that is their main goal. Based on people reactions on the 'net monitoring forums and so on they can decide what to discard or not discard and what to change or not change depending on how much they would rate people comments on 'net.
    Then obviously there is the other part of the tactic that is just pure advertisement to ensure that people worldwide won't lose interest in the franchise and will be looking forward to the next movie with great anticipation and spread the word among friends and relatives.

  18. I think those pictures are only to the video game version. Cybertronian modes are nearly colorless. As we have seen from Megatron, Soundwave and Decepticon protoform soldiers. Junkion concept art might be a concept art for a NPC from upcoming video game of Transformers 3.

  19. Hmmm... What if it's concept art for transformers prime? Anybody think of that?

  20. ^^

    Hm, i think Wreck-Gar is a little to complex for a cartoon.

  21. About the image where optimus satnds in jungle is a fake. picture of Optimus was cut and added to jungle background.

  22. "Anonymous 3/12/2010 11:34 AM"


  23. People, they are NOT fake. The fact that the thread discussing them has been COMPLETELY REMOVED from the official Michael Bay website says it all. That thread doesn't exist anymore, and I should know because I made a post in it. I checked my post history, and the post I made doesn't exist.

    They're for the TF3 computer game. And taking the game of ROTF into account, there's not actually that many things that are too different from the film. Yes, the levels are expanded, but they’re all based on real environments that appear in the film.

    These concepts sketches give us a pretty good idea of what will appear in TF3, even if it changes somewhat in the actual film.

    At this moment in time, I am willing to bet my left little finger on Junkions and Wrek-Gar showing up in TF3.

  24. "At this moment in time, I am willing to bet my left little finger on Junkions and Wrek-Gar showing up in TF3."

    I take the bet.

  25. I agree... was checking out IMDB and noticed that they have Peter Weller (Robocop) doing the voice for Rodimus Prime.... its a good indication that Unicron, Ultra Magnus and the Junkions might be showing up in TF3

  26. Hm..

    Telling by what I've seen/heard (BTW I live in California), that Junkion crash site illustration may have something to do with that 'intergalactic' thing Shia LaBeouf mentioned in an interview...

    Maybe another planet/race will be involved? And possibly Wrek-Gar as well. We'll have to wait and see.

