Thursday, April 01, 2010

Transformers 3 In Gary, Indiana and Dodge Decepticon? (Updated)

Two pieces of information have popped up online regarding Transformers 3 via Slashfilm. One is about Transformers 3 shooting in Gary, Indiana while the other is the possibility of a Decepticon Dodge Charger being used in the film. Maybe it’s an odd April Fool's prank or maybe it is real.

The first piece is based on information from a tweet from Production Weekly:
A pre-vis scene for "Transformers 3" will shoot at the Majestic Star Casino in Gary, Indiana on April 12th.
This isn't the first time I saw a reference to Gary, Indiana as an anonymous comment in the Magnificent Mile post said something similar but was written two hours before the tweet:
Their also going to start filming April 12 in Gary Indiana. They said the autobots cars will be their and it will be a closed set. =( Maybe someone could get some shots:)
The second bit of information comes from Realm Toys with a brief set report and pictures of a possible Decepticon judging by the logo on the front of the Dodge Charger. The images were taken from Playa Vista, the same location as a previous set report. Their source writes:
I was doing my normal rounds on the lot and came across the Transformers 3 work. All the stuff that you guys had reported SuperHeroHype had was there and more! The main Transformers cars are all there including 2 that I didn’t see in the previous movies. One is a autobot that I couldn’t get close enough to take a picture of because it was being guarded so that it would not be scratched/ damaged. It was a red Ferrari. The other (which wasn’t being guarded as heavily) is a decepticon. It was a dark navy Dodge Charger. I managed to snap a couple of pics with my cell. Sorry for the poor quality.
I honestly don't know how to attempt to judge this new information. It sounds plausible but this is the first time Indiana has been mentioned as associated with Transformers 3. Michael Bay didn't mention the state in his update but I don't expect him to list all his locations. April 12th is only a few weeks away so it will not take long to find out if this is true or not.

As for the Dodge Charger, it could be the car of a diehard fan or it could be part of the movie. Decepticons with automobile alt modes is now a tradition of the movie franchise with Barricade in the first movie and Sideways in the sequel. Too early to judge one way or another.

One way or the other though, it seems the fun world of speculation, rumors, and more is about to officially kick off for Transformers 3. Like the previous two films, it will be interesting to see how much turns out to be right and how much doesn't. Thanks to Kris for the link.

Update: Well the Gary rumor just got real with a report from Post-Tribune:
The city's Board of Public Works and Safety approved a filming permit for the movie at its meeting Wednesday. Controller Celita Green said filming will take place April 12 on industrial property owned by Majestic Star Casino at Buffington Harbor. The scene will be shot during daylight hours, Green said, and will involve a crew of about 60 people. Al Cohn, the film's location manager, said the set will be closed to the public.

...Green said the movie crew will shoot a "rather simple scene" portraying vehicles approaching the industrial property. The scene is meant to take place in Ukraine. Larry Buck, Majestic Star's general manager, said the movie crew will film at the former Lehigh cement plant on his company's property. None of the principal stars of the movie, including John Malkovich, Frances McDormand, Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox, is expected to be on the set.

However, Cohn wouldn't rule out further scenes being filmed in Gary in the future. "If we do, it will probably be more with the principal unit," Cohn said.
It sounds like second unit will be filming the scenes which sounds like an establishing shot for later action. The image of the Majestic and link from TFW2005's GabrielPrime.


  1. the charger is definately NOT a con cuz the logos in the movie dont look like the logos in G1

  2. The screenplay was leaked. I've got the link if you want to read it. There are some new Transformers in it. But they didn't bring some back from the previous two films. I think they are setting this up for a few more movies, at least.

  3. Charger = Lockdown

  4. it is a now de-bunked prank, the dodge charger was photoshopped in. Checked some TF forums and you will see

  5. not flashy enough to be an actual movie my opinion, it looks like a fan's car, but who knows? Stunticon perhaps?

  6. Most likely a fan's car. I have a huge chrome Autobot sticker on my van and another friend of mine also has an Autobot sticker on his Chevy Malibu. I also saw a red Ram truck with an Autobot sticker on his rear window at a gas station.

  7. It's a diehard fan's car, most likely. Any great TF fan will do that nowadays, myself included! :)

  8. If that Dodge Charger is really a Decepticon then it should be Wildrider or Runabout or Drag Strip.Or at least they could bring in the Stunticons and Menasor, and that Dodge could be one of them.

  9. Fact: Michael Bay has set up his office in "Chicago Studio City". Drive by their and see for your self. This is the same place where his office was set up when he filmed The Unborn and Nightmare on Elm Street.

  10. The Dodge Charger should be Wildrider or Drag Strip or Runabout.Or they could bring in the stunticons and menasor and the Dodge could be one of them since we might have aerialbots.

  11. I know a lot of you are saying it's a die hard fan's car, and I'm very close to agreeing with you, but consider this- the car in the picture doesn't have a visible licence plate on the front. You'd expect an everyday car to have one on the front for legal reasons.

  12. Hiltzology what is the link for screenplay?

  13. FYI, those Dodger Charger pics were taken at Paramount Studios, not Playa Vista. I should know... I used to work at Paramount. :)

  14. Hmmm yeah you brought up a good point. No license plate on the front.

  15. "Decepticons with automobile alt modes is now a tradition of the movie franchise with Barricade in the first movie and Sideways in the sequel."

    Yeah, a 90 second chase scene with no dialogue that ends with Sideways dying. Yeah, MB really has set up a "tradition" of Decepticons with car alt modes.
    Seriously, the guy that writes this blog boggles my mind sometimes...

  16. "Decepticons with automobile alt modes is now a tradition of the movie franchise with Barricade in the first movie and Sideways in the sequel."

    reread that sentence. Barricade first movie...Sideways second movie...basically a tradition with decepticon car alt modes that are short lived

  17. If the Dodge Decepticon is real then it should be one of the Stunticons or atleast a refrence to them. I really wouldnt be suprised if this is just going to be another 90 second chase scene just without any of the cast. I`m expecting a scene that shows us different countries around the world are having problems with the Decepticons.

  18. Martinus Prime4/03/2010 1:28 PM

    Yeah, good point about no license plate anon 4/02 1:25PM. Time will tell if it;s legit.

    Me too!! I have 5 inch red Autobot stickers each side of my VW Golf V6, frontside of the doors.

  19. Doesn't matter if the car has a license plate on the front or not. In NC, where I live, we do not have license plates on the front of our cars, just on the back.

  20. since when have john malkovich and frances mccdormand been cast in the movie?

  21. ironhide2011 says...
    HOLY shit! TF3 in The NW Indiana 219! Former Murder Captital LOL.
    Im prolly gonna go see it!! =)

  22. "Anonymous said...

    since when have john malkovich and frances mccdormand been cast in the movie?"

    It was confirmed a few weeks ago.

    @the charger, It's not a con car. The logo is the G1 logo, and it's not even straight. You'd think the production crew could at least put a sticker on straight for a 200 million dollar movie.

  23. yep optimus was there along with a couple others.i believe it was skid i saw also,but optimus you couldnt miss.

  24. If this is real most likly I bet this guy is a stunticon(remebr the constructicons babe a new subgroup replaces them?).

