Thursday, April 08, 2010

Transformers 3 Production Start Date, Casting Calls

New casting calls for Transformers 3 have provided the start date for production and small details about the movie. Principle photography for Transformers 3 is scheduled to run from May 1st (or 17th), 2010 to July 1st, 2010. So far seen both numbers for start date but same end date. The shooting locations are now listed as Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, Florida, Texas, Africa, Moscow and China. The casting calls found on Chicago Craigslist (thanks to Tyler for link) and Acting Auditions are showing a search for extras and principle actors (speaking lines).

For Chicago, "Joan Philo Casting (A Nightmare on Elm St., The Dark Knight) is searching for Ukrainian/Eastern European (looking) men (20 to 60 years of age) to work as paid extras on a feature film in April. This will be a one-day shoot. ...Especially looking for Ukrainian (Or Ukrainian looking types) men 6' to 6'3", clothing size 42 regular to 50 regular who know how to handle a gun. If you have a bigger build and are of a larger size – we love this!" Maybe something involving soldiers is going to occur in a Ukraine town.

The extras call in Los Angeles is seeking "Men, 66+, ethnically ambiguous, weathered, tattered, frail, featured roles." This sounds like a polite description of a bum. As for the principle actors, no specifics on what they are looking for is provided, just an address to send photo and resume to DW Studio Productions, LLC.

To summarize, casting for Transformers 3 is in full swing. Pre-shoots start next week or so in Chicago and Gary, Indiana. Principle photography starts in May. Some scenes possibly involve Ukrainian soldiers, Ukrainian townspeople, and maybe bums.


  1. *humf*
    *is still waiting for the casting call for Tall, average looking women*

  2. "Principle photography for Transformers 3 is scheduled to run from May 1st, 2010 to July 1st, 2010"

    60 days is a very short shooting schedule; I believe the first film shot for 83 days. Methinks this means the film will have significantly more CG-only environments.

  3. And of course start looking for those camera phone videos popping up on youtube.


  4. Hey, I would be perfect to play a bum! ;D Shame I live in Zambia (Southern Africa, nowehere NEAR where shooting is to be set) =(

    Since M.Bay likes to shoot on location, there were only a few CGI-environments in the films (space, ocean, starship). I think he'll still keep the film on Earth locations majorly...

    Hmmm, 83 days... IMDb says THE GODFATHER was filmed in around 70-80 days. But this is not THE GODFATHER. This is the last decisive stand between the TransFormers. And I can't wait to see what happens.

    If they include day AND night scenes, round-the-clock work, I might be a little more confident that the film will be done well.

  5. A bunch of old men in LA, very specific.
    What they heck are they going to do with them all, find Sam's grandfather?

  6. Uh, what exactly do they mean by "ethnically ambiguous"?

    How does one look ethnically ambiguous?

  7. I'm sad because my casting type is like fish in a barrel so no special ad will probably be made. :(

    Damn being type cast in 16-20 white girl/ 13-14 white boy

  8. hey rene from san antonio texas would love yo play any role day and night just to bein a movie. transformers rules!! and so is megan fox!!! 210-519-7483 is my cell since theres some scenes in texas, im just the guy for you.

  9. Man, I cannot WAIT for this movie to come out! I also am hopin' that the casting comes to DC... :)

  10. Whats the casting call for Florida?

  11. Yah really, the casting call for florida. Im so excited! I would give anything to be able to get into the Transformers 3 movie!!I have ben looking at info all over the net and my hopes are up so high! ^_^; sorry getting carried away again...

  12. SpaceShuttleMan6/09/2010 10:43 PM

    They need to replace Ms. Megan Fox.
    Michael Bay dose not need the headaches of a self-made prima-donna on the set that causes headaches for people in ten different countries.
    I would love to see some one who has been working hard and enjoys their profession.
    I have a suggestion for Mr. Bay, look at the up and coming star from Miami, Florida, she is Melanie Tillbrook a Pacific Islander.
    She would love to fill the shoes of Ms. Fox and work with the producer and film crew, and not be a hindrance.

  13. for the florida casting call check with background entertainment out of orlando they should know something but the dates are vague at best saying around september
