Thursday, May 13, 2010

Mikaela, Set Prop, Whitley Confirmed and More (Updated)

Three stories posted more for fun than anything and too brief to do individual posts so combining into one. Update: Added one more brief movie related stories to the post.

Megan Fox in Mikaela Banes Makeup
From the Transformers 3 set in unspecified LA location is Megan Fox in Mikaela Banes makeup. I guess the goal is professional woman. I just see it as an excuse to post a picture of Fox.

Kym Whitley Confirms TF3 Role
Black Voices spoke directly with Whitley and confirmed her tweet that she is in Transformers 3. No information was provided on what the role is.
"The real excitement about working on the film just comes from working with [director] Michael Bay. He writes these parts for me and just lets me roll with it. You can't beat that. It's kind of like working with Larry David, when I did 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.' Michael Bay works fast though. He laughs a lot, too. You rarely get someone to just tell you to go ahead and do your thing. That's the beauty of working with him."
Sam's Briefcase
Sam apparently has entered the professional workplace complete with briefcase. Not sure if this means he has already graduated from college (suggesting at least a four year jump in time for the movie) or interning. According to TFW2005, info is from the manufacturers of the case.

Gabriela Plana Cast?
NBC Reporter Gabriela Plana posted a tweet that said "Working on transformers 3 shoot!!!". Now she could be covering the shoot for a story but a more likely explanation is she has a role in the film as a reporter. I would guess the role is to show a reporter on the scene moment involving a Transformers related event, say an anti-Autobot protest as suggested by the recent set images. Any case it is likely a cameo apperance so not adding to the cast list on the cheat sheet.


  1. Let's be honest. Do you really need an excuse to post a picture of Megan Fox? :P

  2. Nice briefcase. Is Wheelie going to be stuck in it?

  3. So far hints are pointing to the fact that the so called fake earlier script for the movie is highly likely not to be that fake at all... but surely a lot of things have been changed from that old version even if it was legit as it seems and I always suspected (viral marketing ya know...).
    The time travel element might work if done correctly but then for it to work the movie should hit the 180minutes mark in order to have something like 40-50minutes introduction in present/future time->70-80minutes back in the past in the '80s->50minutes back to present/future for final war ending the movie..

  4. she looks better in that picture..not so orange...

  5. Martinus Prime5/14/2010 6:24 PM

    @anon 5/13/2010 8:26PM
    It's a good thing you're not the director, wtf a 40-50 minute intro???? Are you nuts?
    The whole time travel idea(especially your element) is an awful idea.
