Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Transformers 3 Truck Stunt Video

Transformers 3 principle photography has started as of last week in Los Angeles with Shia LaBeouf reporting to the set today. However there was some second unit work being performed in April that included a visit to Gary, Indiana and now it seems also at Howard Hughes Airfield which is north of LA. The video recorded on April 29th via a Flip camera shows off a truck stunt that involves a car going off a ramp, hitting the ground and exploding in a fireball. People on site said the stunt was for Transformers 3. There is no visible signage nor familiar Transformers related vehicles so this cannot be proven conclusively. Thanks to Mauricio for the link.


  1. That wasn't a fireball explosion, it was a pile of boxes.

  2. Looks like a Chevy Tahoe

  3. I don't believe it at all...

    Might end up on TV (or try too) as one of those "Flip camera commercials"

    Effing lame

  4. would have been better if it was a pipe ramp and the truck went spinning into the air.

  5. LOL at 01:03 how the guy quickly hides his camera from sight...

  6. Yeah, maybe it's a practice stunt for something, who knows. I doubt the authenticity of whoever said it was for TF3. I mean, think about it, if you go out of your way to take super dooper sneaky video of this stunt practice and then say the crew members were just chillaxin' and saying it was for TF3, something doesn't add up right.

    Like this stunt was meant for something else, some other movie for practice. And the whoever took the video is just lying to get attention. LAME.

  7. Lame. It's probably for some stupid Matt Damon movie.

  8. ladies and gentlemen, Ms Fox has left the bui- err, franchise...

  9. is it possible ironhide on corner look http://img405.imageshack.us/i/iro.jpg/
