Monday, May 02, 2011

Transformers Trailer Comparison Images (Updated)

One of the interesting things about the release of the new trailer is a few scenes were "re-used" from the Super Bowl teaser TV spot. As a result, it provides a chance to compare how scenes have been tweaked over the last few months, often adding more elements into a scene and making some of the effects sharper. The four animated images below created by John illustrate that very well. In the first pictures a lot of tweaks but you will notice Transformers removed, moved and added. The second image adds and enhances building damage with spaceships, the third adds a missile and tweaks Prime's weapon discharge and the last shows the addition of an entire building, more craft and other tweaks.

In addition, Jeff from PixelRally, provided three images that show what areas of Chicago look like and how they have been fixed up for the film. In the first image color correction plus signs were added. The second image shows how a 5 or so lane road shrunk down to two with green spaced and in the third, well Shockwave is really all you need. After that, we have a look at 35 East Wacker Drive buildings the craft passes and the one with electric arcs that indicate a space bridge forming. The last three images show the 160 East Illinois Street lot for the pure CGI building that gets destroyed by the Decepticon worm (currently fans calling The Dweller) along with the neighboring building it crashes on that Jeff's friend happens to live in. For Chicagoans, it should be really interesting to see how much their city is transformed (pun intended) by the post-roduction process when the film comes out. The set of Jeff's comparison images can be found here. Thanks to John and Jeff for the images. Pics after the break.


  1. movie magic! :)

  2. Very cool. I just got to Chicago yesterday afternoon and I must admit that while sitting in traffic on the expressway I kept imagining the city skyline as it looks in the various trailer images; buildings damaged and smoking with giant decepticon ships floating overhead.

  3. movie magic and very kool indeed... (change of subject) Osama Bin Laden is dead... yeah... just, throwing that out... (im from New York and i was a kid when 9/11 happened) good day for me (in a way)

  4. I already noticed the differences between the trailers,

    the only one didnt notice differently was the one where they added the extra building

  5. lol if you think some random arab could have taken out the twin towers

    there were clearly explosives in the building
    i mean how the fuck did wtc7 fall down?, you guys are retarded

  6. chevys sparks-brains e whellie e oq eu acho

  7. I hadn't previously noticed the people in the shot just before Ironhide collides with the Dreads. Their presence on the street strikes me as odd because most of Chicago's residents are supposed to have fled or gone into hiding.
    Maybe I'm reading too much into it but it makes me wonder if this scene isn't set somewhere else or at least happens early in the Chicago invasion as Ironhides truck was missing from a lot of the Chicago filming.
    Also, the set report for filming in a warehouse district in Chicago described a scene where the Dreads chase 'Bee, Sideswipe & Mirage down a street while Iromhide drives towards them...I also remember a scene filmed in LA where Sam ran out of a building(in a shirt &tie I think), got into 'Bee and drove off followed by Sideswipe and Mirage.

  8. Winton ray I have only seen and heard of the scene with the Dreads, Bumblebee, sideswipe and Mirage. Never heard of the others. Wasn't LA a closed set? I dont remember seeing any videos being filmed there I have only seen pics.

    There's a scene where Optimus, Ironhide and Major Lennox go to Ukraine, I wonder why they go there.


  9. Want to touch back on the end of the trailer when it appears Optimus is leaving sam. I remember from earlier posts on this blog that the final scene was shot on the LaSalle street bridge with Shia and Rosie after megatron dies. Also, in the DC shoot there's a CNN reporter that talks about congress passing legislation banning the Autobots. So i think it would be safe to say they leave in the middle of the film, not at the end.

  10. @ Silverbolt 5/02/2011 11:06 AM
    I honestly dont recall if I saw video of, or read about the scene I described where Sam runs out of a building...I just seem to remember that took place in LA, during the early days of production. Im on my droid right now, I'll look for info on it later from a PC.

  11. I found the scene I was thinking of; it was in the TFLAMB archive for shows men in suits run out, one of them who I think was Sam get into 'Bee then the three cars speed away.

  12. megatron dies? never heard that before.

    prefer the rumor he teams up with optimus to be become an anti hero.

  13. When Optimus talks to Sam, please look behind Optimus at the shuttle..? Looks like the shuttle has transformed into some kind of ship...maybe Omega Supreme? Maybe Silverbolt? dont know, but that is definetely the Shuttle's windoes behind Op.

  14. Give us a picture of optimus prime, with the upgraded chest. look's more like the matrix of leadership from the old movie(1986)

  15. Optimus have a sentient jetpack...that can operate in complete autonomy...
    And save his human friends ;P

  16. Does Optimus Prime have a Super Mode in this movie?

  17. okey. has this pack anything with the hyperlink & mini drone in his trailer to do?

    Any good link to a oage i can read about this?

  18. ^^

    not necessarily the info you want but the hasbro site now has bio and other info up for many of the characters.

    including news on soundwave's alt form (mercedes) and shockwave's presence on earth.

  19. Anonymous at 5/02/2011 8:40 AM
    Dude really?! I SEEN IT (on the news) MY DAD WAS A COP AND HELPED OUT ON THE 9/11 SITE! ok dude... don't go there with me (im still scared) ur killing me like Optimus Prime in Transformers 2!
    P.S. Y wood the US blow up its own World Trade Center? (born in New York... don't go there)

  20. ^it was all micheal bays falt, he knew casting rosie topmodel would do this. micheal bay did blow up trade center, he just needed paramounts help...the world is at war now, because of this. if prays go out too all of you. megan fox would of saved us...but micheal bay had to start a war...

  21. ^^ummm ya...maybe the MODERATOR of this site might want to do something about these crazies? ^^^ Waste of good time reading this bullsh!t giberish :/

    ...on a more "sane" note...DOTM is looking good. Shaping up to be a good one I hope. Time will soon tell !!

  22. Transformers3 looks bad and cheap compared to the first two movies. A couple nice scenes don't save this mess of a movie.

  23. Look at this guys!
