Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Bruiser Joins Transformers 3 Cast? (Update)

The picture of a rather odd robot is from Ain't It Cool News. The pic is reported to have been taken from the Chicago set for Transformers 3 with the robot being called "Bruiser". No other context was provided. If this is for Transformers 3, then the name is likely a placeholder name and of course CGI will likely add some life to the prop.

For reasons I can't nail down, that robot makes me think "Frankenstein's monster". This in turns makes me think that maybe a plot element is an attempt by humans to re-create Transformer technology but that is just speculation on my part.

Update: It appears "Bruiser" is for Hugh Jackman's next film "Real Steel" which has been filming in Chicago. The movie is coming on November 18th, 2011 and "tells the story of a father and his estranged 11-year-old son who enter the world of robotic boxing. You see, in the future, human boxing has been outlawed, replaced with sports combat between human-trained 2000-pound heavy steel robots." The little bit of robot that shows does indicate a simliar design. Thanks to Katie for the info and link.


  1. Din't think they were filming in Chicago yet.... Could this be the Hugh Jackman Robot Boxing thing?

  2. its not from Transformers. They haven't started filming yet. It is from a movie called Real Steel starring Hugh Jackman about a future where there are robot boxing competitions. Just look at the robots boxing gloves


  3. Yup from Reel Steel:

  4. Powercore Combiners Huffer w/ Caliburst

  5. Transformers Collector's Club Dion w/Cop-Tur

  6. God, what I would do to be a part of TF3.

  7. sideswipe going topless???

  8. Martinus Prime6/16/2010 5:46 PM

    Yep, definitely from Real Steel, this robot is way simple for Transformers.
    I'm betting we won't see a new Transformer before the superbowl-spot.

  9. Nonetheless it someway reminds me of Beast Machines Optimus Primal...

  10. @"its not from Transformers. They haven't started filming yet."

    Um, they've been filming for almost a month now. But I agree this isn't from Transfomers 3.

  11. Real Steel is produced by Steven Spielberg just like Transformers movies... and both are filming in Chicago... by chance? Yeah,sure..
